
Utility that sets up and tears down docker-compose skaffolding around any command

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Sets up and tears down docker-compose skaffolding around any command.

Useful for writing integration tests that involve setting up database or other containers.


# bring up and tear down docker environment from docker-compose.yml file in same directory
npx docker-skaffold -- echo hello

# or
npm install docker-skaffold
docker-skaffold -- echo hello


docker-compose arguments passthrough:

docker-skaffold --project-name=test --file ./path/to/docker-compose.yml -- echo hello

automatically detect if docker-compose or docker compose should be used.

passes through exit codes from wrapped command

you can keep the docker containers around if you pass --keep:

docker-skaffold --keep -- echo hello