Titanic Dashboard in Power BI



Titanic Dataset can be downloaded from Kaggle. Click on this link to download.
It has 1309 rows and 10 columns

Tools Used

  • Power BI
  • Power Query
  • Data Modelling

Data Cleaning

  • Most of the data had no issues

  • I dropped columns which i did not intend to use in my dashboard

    Null Values

  • Two rows had null values from embarked column in the titanic dataset

  • I dropped the rows since that could not have any impact on our Analysis


Conduct a comprehensive analysis of Titanic Dataset to identify trends and patterns using Power BI.

KPI’s Requirements

  1. Total Number of Passengers
    • Objective: Analyze how many passengers were on board
  2. Total Sum of Fare Paid
    • Objective: Find how much passengers paid as fare
  3. Average Fare
    • Objective: Find the mean Fare paid by passengers
  4. Average age
    • Objective: Find mean age of passengers

Charts Requirements

  1. Total Number of Passengers in terms of gender
    • Objective : Analyze passengers were on board in terms of gender
    • Chart type : Donut chart
  2. Total number of survivors in terms of gender
    • Objective : Analyze passengers survived in terms of gender
    • Chart type : Donut chart
  3. Passengers on board per class
    • Objective : Analyze passengers on board per class
    • Chart type : Donut chart
  4. Number of Passengers by age on board vs Number of Passengers by age that survived
    • Objective : Analyze passengers on board by age
    • Chart type : Line Chart
  5. Number of Passengers who died vs who survived per class
    • Objective : Analyze passengers on board per class who survived vs died
    • Chart type : Bar Chart
  6. Distribution of Passengers embarked per town
    • Objective : Analyze number of passengers embarked in each town
    • Chart Type : Bar chat


  1. Passengers on board were 1307
    • Male Passengers were 843 and were the most
    • 464 Passengers were Female
  2. Total Fare spent by passengers was $43,400
  3. Average fare was approximately $33
  4. Most Passengers were 29 years old since its our mean age for passengers
  5. Less than half of our passengers on Board survived
    • In our business class most the passengers survived compared to other flight class
    • In the economy most passengers did not survive
  6. Passengers aged 29 most of them died since they were majority
  7. Most Passengers embarked at southampton who were 914
    • Very few Passengers embarked at queenstown


My analysis shows that the factors which had the biggest impact on survival rate were: sex, age and class. If a passenger was female, aged between 21–40 and was in the Upper class of society, it was very likely that you would have survived the sinking of the Titanic.