
sp23-recitation-02-zzzyx21 created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguagePython

CMPS 2200 Recitation 02

Name (Team Member 1): Kyra Zhu
Name (Team Member 2):_________________________

In this recitation, we will investigate recurrences. To complete this recitation, follow the instructions in this document. Some of your answers will go in this file, and others will require you to edit main.py.


  • Make sure you have a Github account.
  • Login to Github.
  • Login to repl.it, using "sign in with github"
  • Click on the assignment link sent through canvas and accept the assignment.
  • Click on your personal github repository for the assignment.
  • Click on the "Work in Repl.it" button. This will launch an instance of repl.it initialized with the code from your repository.
  • You'll work with a partner to complete this recitation. To do so, we'll break you into Zoom rooms. You will be able to code together in the same repl.it instance. You can choose whose repl.it instance you will share. This person will click the "Share" button in their repl.it instance and email the lab partner.

Running and testing your code

  • In the command-line window, run ./ipy to launch an interactive IPython shell. This is an interactive shell to help run and debug your code. Any code you change in main.py will be reflected from this shell. So, you can modify a function in main.py, then test it here.
    • If it seems things don't refresh, try running from main import *
  • You can exit the IPython prompt by either typing exit or pressing ctrl-d
  • To run tests, from the command-line shell, you can run
    • pytest main.py will run all tests
    • pytest main.py::test_one will just run test_one
    • We recommend running one test at a time as you are debugging.

Turning in your work

  • Once complete, click on the "Version Control" icon in the left pane on repl.it.
  • Enter a commit message in the "what did you change?" text box
  • Click "commit and push." This will push your code to your github repository.
  • Although you are working as a team, please have each team member submit the same code to their repository. One person can copy the code to their repl.it and submit it from there.


In class, we've started looking at recurrences and how to we can establish asymptotic bounds on their values as a function of $n$. In this lab, we'll write some code to generate recursion trees (via a recursive function) for certain kinds of recurrences. By summing up nodes in the recurrence tree (that represent contributions to the recurrence) we can compare their total cost against the corresponding asymptotic bounds. We'll focus on recurrences of the form:

$$ W(n) = aW(n/b) + f(n) $$

where $W(1) = 1$.

  • 1. (2 point) In main.py, you have stub code which includes a function simple_work_calc. Implement this function to return the value of $W(n)$ for arbitrary values of $a$ and $b$ with $f(n)=n$.

  • 2. (2 point) Test that your function is correct by calling from the command-line pytest main.py::test_simple_work by completing the test cases and adding 3 additional ones.

  • 3. (2 point) Now implement work_calc, which generalizes the above so that we can now input $a$, $b$ and a function $f(n)$ as arguments. Test this code by completing the test cases in test_work and adding 3 more cases.

  • 4. (2 point) Now, derive the asymptotic behavior of $W(n)$ using $f(n) = 1$, $f(n) = \log n$ and $f(n) = n$. Then, generate actual values for $W(n)$ for your code and confirm that the trends match your derivations.

The derivation is $f(n)=1$, which is O(n). For $f(n)$ $root = n/2+n/2=n$ and $f(n)= O(nlogn)$. For $f(n^2)$ $root = (n/2)^2+(n/2)^2 = n^2/4+n^2/4 = n^2/2$ so that $f(n^2)= O(n^2)$.

  • 5. (4 points) Now that you have a nice way to empirically generate valuess of $W(n)$, we can look at the relationship between $a$, $b$, and $f(n)$. Suppose that $f(n) = n^c$. What is the asypmptotic behavior of $W(n)$ if $c < \log_b a$? What about $c > \log_b a$? And if they are equal? Modify compare_work to compare empirical values for different work functions (at several different values of $n$) to justify your answer.

For $c > log _b a$, the asymptotic behavior would be $(n/2)^2+(n/2)^2 = n^2/4+n^2/4 = n^2/2$ and then $f(n^2)= O(n^2)$. For $c < log _b a$, it would be the same as of the constant of $f(n)=1$ since it is root dominated and expressed as O(n). For $c = log _b a$, it would be the same as $f(n)=n/2+n/2=n$ so that $f(n)= O(nlogn)$

  • 6. (3 points) $W(n)$ is meant to represent the running time of some recursive algorithm. Suppose we always had $a$ processors available to us and we wanted to compute the span of the same algorithm. Implement the function span_calc to compute the empirical span, where the work of the algorithm is given by $W(n)$. Implement test_compare_span to create a new comparison function for comparing span functions. Derive the asymptotic expressions for the span of the recurrences you used in problem 4 above. Confirm that everything matches up as it should.

Its derivation is $f(n)=1$, which is O(logn) and it is balanced already as $S(n)=O(logn)$. For $f(n)$, $root=n/2$ and $f(n)=O(n)$, which is root dominated as $S(n) = O(n)$. For $f(n^2)$, $root=(n/2)^2+(n/2)^2=n^2/4+n^2/4=n^2/2$ so $f(n^2)=O(n^2)$ so that $S(n)=O(n^2)$ and all matches up as it should