A SPA (single page application) implementation of the browser-based flows for Kratos. Currently, the UI implements the login, logout, registration, and recovery flows. Rather than using redirects, this implementation leverages Kratos AJAX support to initialize flows.
# Start backends to run UI against. This includes:
# * Kratos
# * Postgres - datastore for Kratos data
# * Mailslurper - a test email server for routing recovery emails
# Optionally add `-d` flag in order to detach and run in the background.
docker-compose -f kratos/docker-compose-backends.yaml up --build --force-recreate
# Terminal 1 start ReScript compiler file watcher
npm run re:start
# Terminal 2 start parcel to bundle and serve UI
npm run serve
- Admin UI for managing Kratos assets.
- Account management pages for user self-serve account updates.