Tip Calculator

This a Tip Calculator Built with Ruby on Rails as an implementation of the functionality of the Frontend Mentor Tip Calculator with an additional feature: an Admin Dashboard to track past calculations.
The application is deployed at https://rails-tip-calculator.onrender.com using Render

Desktop UI Desktop UI

Mobile UI Mobile UI


Before setting up the project, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Ruby 3.2.0 or later
  • Rails 8.0.0 or later
  • Sqlite3 database`
  • Node.js 20+
  • Yarn 1.22+

Verify with:

ruby -v
rails -v
sqlite3 --version
node -v
yarn -v


  1. Clone the repository
git clone git@github.com:allandereal/rails-tip-calculator.git
cd rails-tip-calculator
  1. Install Ruby and JavaScript dependencies:
bundle install
yarn install
  1. Create .env file
touch .env

# and add these credentials to the .env file

4Run database migrations

bin/rails db:migrate
  1. Run tests
bin/rails test
  1. Serve the application
bin/rails server

and visit in your browser.

Admin access

To access the admin dashboard and access the past calculations, visit and login with the following credentials

user: admin  
password: password

My Approach to solving this task

1. The Model

  • I created a calculator model to save the bill amount, tip percentage, and number of people.
  • I then created 2 methods (tip_per_person and total_per_person) on the model for the Tip Amount per Person and Total per person to serve as calculated fields on the model.

2. The controller & Routes

  • I created 2 routes, The root route to display the calculator and the admin dashboard route for the past calculations
  • I added 3 controller methods,
    1. index, which is authenticated with basic auth for admins,
    2. new to display the calculator form.
    3. create to save calculations and reset the form

3. The Views

  • I created one main view new.html.erb which houses the calculator form
  • I added a helper and partial views for sections/components of the form that were being repeated so that i could reuse them. These include:- input field, tip percentage_totals and labels.
  • I also toggled the form submit button based on the state of the calculator model. If it's a new form the button will calculate, and if its a saved model, it will reset the form.
  • For the admin dashboard, I installed the will_paginate gem to enable pagination
  • And ofcourse I installed tailwind css to beautifully style all the html components

4. Testing

  • I wrote tests to verify that the model methods to calculate totals work as expected,
  • I also wrote authentication tests for the admin dashboard to make sure that only admins can access it.
  • The finally, I added tests for the create and reset controller methods, to make sure that the calculator works as intended.