
Miscellaneous scripts

Primary LanguageShell

A few Bash scripts that might eventually be helpful to somebody !


Quick and dirty example on how to clone of a EC2 instance for test purposes. There are better ways to test OS changes in production environments, the truth though is that you don't always have a perfect infrastructure! This script replicates an EC2 AWS instance using the AWS cli.

Usage: ./aws_replicate_ec2.sh [instance id] Requirements:

  • aws cli (brew install aws-cli@2 | https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/install-cliv2-linux.html#cliv2-linux-install)
  • jq (brew install jq | yum install jq)
  • create aws cli profiles (aws configure --profile SRC_PROFILE; aws configure --profile test)
  • in the EC2 instance you'll have to set an ~/.ssh/config entry in order to access the test server. You could allocate an elastic IP just for test instances. Example of ~/.ssh/config : host server_name-test User ec2-user
    HostName XX.WW.YY.ZZ StrictHostKeyChecking no IdentityFile ~/.ssh/AWS/server_key.pem
  • script configuration below

The following are the steps of the script:

  • Deregister old AMI with TEST tag
  • Create new AMI from instance chosen
  • Initialize new AMI
  • Wait for AMI ready
  • Grant AMI permission to destination account
  • Launch test instance
  • Settings tags
  • Elasic IP association
  • Waiting for OS and ssh to load
  • Change httpd configuration in /etc/httpd/sites-available/*
  • Change Mediawiki configuration
  • Change Wordpress configuration
  • Launch daemons
  • Create script to terminate ec2 replica instance


  • Add basic authentication to test sites


Simple script for preparing the folder structure necessary to feed the islandora batch import module (https://github.com/Islandora/islandora_book_batch). It expects a folder of tif files that are in sequence like pages of a book (e.g MYBOOK_001.tif, .. ,MYBOOK_345.tif) and it will output the structure as required by the module.