
Gatsby starter for creating a blog

🚀 Installing and running the project

  1. Dependencies install
  npm install
  1. Change gatsby-config.js to config header and blog info

    2.1 Open gatsby-config.js

    2.2 Change siteMetadata for your blog informations like blog name, author, description and url

  2. Start project on development mode

  npm start
  1. Access your page

📝 Creating a post

  1. How to create a post
  • The post file should be at /posts
  • The name format should be
  1. Insert the basic post informations
  • Inside the file, create a information structure like this:
title: <post_title>
subtitle: <optional_subtitle>
description: <post_description>
date: <year-month-day hour:minute:second>
author: <author_name>
category: <front-end|back-end|what_ever>
category: ['js', 'react', 'gatsby', 'redux']
series: 'cool-series-max-width'
  1. Write your post
  • Let's write!

Inserting images inside the post

  1. Where to put the images
  • Put the images in the following folder /static/assets/uploads;
  • The file name shoud be file_name.extension
  1. How to import
  ![Gatsby Logo](/assets/uploads/light.jpeg)

📝 Schedule a post

  1. In the description of the PR, put the date that the post should be merged following the example below:
/schedule 2020-09-02
