Civi App Exercise

💻🚛 Simple Message Application

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🚀 Tecnologias

This project have this technologies:



Civi App Exercise is a project to an React Native job opening.

This project was developed according to instructions of exercise.

💻 Install

The Backend was developed in NodeJS with PostgreSQL database.
Getting started backend:

First you need to create the PostgreSQL docker container:

docker run --name civi_app -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=docker -p 5432:5432 -d postgres

Seconde step, create database named as civii and install all dependencies:

npm install / yarn install

Third step, run migrations to create table in datable and run server:

  yarn typeorm migration:run
  npm run dev:server / yarn dev:server

Keep server runnin and let's start Mobile!

Starting Mobile in React Native:

Open an Android emulator to use the mobile app.

npm install / yarn install
npm run android / yarn android

After proccess finish Civi exercise is open in your device and use the application.

You need to fill the input and click on the send button to create a new message.

Clicking on the message you see the detail about this message and update your read status (message icon).

📝 Licença

This project is under the MIT license.

Feito com 💜 by Allan Neto