
Kubernetes PHP Client

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Kubernetes-PHP-Client (kpc)

Minimum PHP Version Gitter

This is a full PHP client reverse engineered from Kubernetes' Swagger defination.

You can control your Kubernetes cluster in PHP, the programmatical way.

Kubernetes Release Compatibility

Kubernetes Version Support

Since this client is generated from Kubernetes' swagger file, it follows whatever the backward compatibilities Kubernetes has. You should use the correct version against your cluster.

One exception, in regards to compatibility, kpc supports the equivalent Kubernetes minor release number. A minor version is the second digit in the release number. kpc version 1.8.0 has a minor version of 8. The numbering follows the semantic versioning specification, MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.

For example, kpc 1.8.0 does not support Kubernetes 1.9.2, but kpc 1.9.0 supports Kubernetes 1.9.2 and previous Kubernetes versions. Only when kpc minor version matches, the Kubernetes minor version does kpc officially support the Kubernetes release. kpc does not stop a user from using mismatching versions of K8s, but Kubernetes releases always require kpc to install specific versions of components like docker, that tested against the particular Kubernetes version.

kpc does not neccessarily follow the PATCH number of Kubernetes release. Each minor version is generated against latest minor version of Kubernetes lease.

Compatibility Matrix

kpc version k8s 1.7.x k8s 1.8.x k8s 1.9.x k8s 1.10.x k8s 1.11.x
1.11.x Y Y Y Y Y
1.10.x Y Y Y Y N
1.9.x Y Y Y N N
1.8.x Y Y N N N

Use the latest version of kpc for all releases of Kubernetes, with the caveat that higher versions of Kubernetes are not officially supported by kpc.

kpc Release Schedule

This project runs on an automatic nightly build against latest Kubernetes release. If you found a particular version not available please open an issue so I can generate it manually.


Add a dependency on kubernetes/php-client to your project's composer.json by utilizing the [Composer] (https://getcomposer.org/) package manager.

    "require-dev": {
        "kubernetes/php-client": "~{KUBERNETES_VERSION}"

{KUBERNETES_VERSION} should match at least the minor version of your Kubernetes cluster.

For example "kubernetes/php-client": "~1.8" should be used against Kubernetes version 1.8.x

Usage instruction

Now you need to configure authentication credentials via a static method, (you only need to do this once).



use KubernetesRuntime\Client;
use Kubernetes\API\ConfigMap as ConfigMapAPI;
use Kubernetes\Model\Io\K8s\Api\Core\V1\ConfigMap;

$master         = 'https://you-kubernetes-cluster.com';
$authentication = [
    'caCert' => '/usr/local/your-ca-file-location',
    'token'  => 'base64-based-token'

// This configure function only need to run once in the whole session
Client::configure($master, $authentication);

$ConfigMapAPI = new ConfigMapAPI();

$ConfigMap = new ConfigMap([
    'metadata' => [
        'name' => 'kubernetes-php-client-test'
    'data' => [
        'bar' => 'foo'


$response = $ConfigMapAPI->read('default','kubernetes-php-client-test');


Kubernetes\Model\Io\K8s\Api\Core\V1\ConfigMap Object
    [apiVersion] => v1
    [data] => Array
            [bar] => foo

    [kind] => ConfigMap
    [metadata] => Kubernetes\Model\Io\K8s\Apimachinery\Pkg\Apis\Meta\V1\ObjectMeta Object
            [annotations] => 
            [clusterName] => 
            [creationTimestamp] => 2018-08-07T10:32:06Z
            [deletionGracePeriodSeconds] => 
            [deletionTimestamp] => 
            [finalizers] => 
            [generateName] => 
            [generation] => 
            [initializers] => 
            [labels] => 
            [name] => kubernetes-php-client-test
            [namespace] => default
            [ownerReferences] => 
            [resourceVersion] => 24374466
            [selfLink] => /api/v1/namespaces/default/configmaps/kubernetes-php-client-test
            [uid] => 21f7036f-9a2d-11e8-89e9-0eeed2d5ffa8
            [isRawObject:protected] => 
            [rawData:protected] => 

    [isRawObject:protected] => 
    [rawData:protected] => 



As per discribed in the documentation, you can use whatever authentication mode suits your requirement.

$authentication supports following configurations:

  • caCert
  • clientCert
  • clientKey
  • token
  • username
  • password

Should you need to modify your Client to meet your Kubernetes cluster requirement, please refer to Guzzle's documentation to pass any extra configuration parameters you might need in the $authentication array.

Class naming convention

Kubernetes is written in GoLang, hence its swagger field follows Go naming convention.


io.k8s.api.batch.v1beta1.CronJob will be converted to Kubernetes\Model\Io\K8s\Api\Batch\V1beta1\CronJob


As per swagger definitions, each api endpoint is an independent entry. Luckily Kubernetes provided extra info so we can put them into groups, you can find more info in Kubernetes API

/apis/batch/v1beta1/cronjobs can be found in Kubernetes\API\CronJob

Pre-GA release features

As shown CronJob is currently in v1beta1 status. When you create a Kubernetes\Model\Io\K8s\Api\Batch\V1beta1\CronJob() object, it may later be moved Kubernetes\Model\Io\K8s\Api\Batch\V1\CronJob(). This is a good way so you would always know which version you should be using.

Also, by following the Kubernetes conventions, if you have upgraded your cluster, when CronJob api expects a v1 CronJob, but you haven't upgraded your code to match the version, a PHP error will be prompted:

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught TypeError: Argument 2 passed to Kubernetes\API\CronJob::create() must be an instance of 
Kubernetes\Model\Io\K8s\Api\Batch\V1\CronJob, instance of Kubernetes\Model\Io\K8s\Api\Batch\V1beta1\CronJob 

API Implementations

This API Wrapper implements all API endpoints currently provided by Kubernetes, for full documentation on how to use it please refere to API

Patch Operation

As specified in the Kubernetes document , Patch accepts three different kinds of operations:

  1. JSON Patch, Content-Type: application/json-patch+json
  2. Merge Patch, Content-Type: application/merge-patch+json
  3. Strategic Merge Patch, Content-Type: application/strategic-merge-patch+json

To define which operation to use, developer is supposed to specifying the Content-Type by themselves.

In order implement the API operation without modifying the Patch model class, you can pass patchOperation as additional data passed into the model, acceptable options are:

  1. patch
  2. merge-patch
  3. strategic-merge-patch


$Patch = new \Kubernetes\Model\Io\K8s\Apimachinery\Pkg\Apis\Meta\V1\Patch([
    'patchOperation' => 'merge-patch',
    'spec' => [
        'template' => [
            'spec' => [
                'containers' => [[
                    'name' => 'nginx-ingress-controller',
                    'image' => 'quay.io/kubernetes-ingress-controller/nginx-ingress-controller:0.23.0'

$DeploymentAPI = new \Kubernetes\API\Deployment();
$DeploymentAPI->patch('default','nginx-ingress', $Patch);

The above request will send a json to your server:

    "spec": {
        "template": {
            "spec": {
                    "name": "nginx-ingress-controller",
                    "image": "quay.io/kubernetes-ingress-controller/nginx-ingress-controller:0.23.0" 

Be noted that the 'patchOperation' field is removed from the request, and the Content-Type header will be set as merge-patch+json