
kpc versions - 1.24 and newer

Opened this issue · 5 comments

I wanted to request your assistance in building the client for the latest versions of Kubernetes, specifically versions 1.24 and 1.25. I understand that your project runs on an automatic nightly build against the latest Kubernetes release, but I was hoping that you could manually generate the client versions for my needs.

Thank you for your time and effort on this project :)

Hi I saw you deleted the PR on kpc, do you still need the help above?

@allansun Hi Allan, would appreciate it if you could help.

Would it be possible for you to release new versions for 1.24.0 and 1.25.0? It would be really helpful for us. Currently, we're working with a forked version of this library, but it's quite inconvenient.

I also wanted to inquire about the future plans for this library. Do you remember that older issue discussing a complete rewrite of the library? I'm curious if that is still being considered.

You know, this library was the first one listed on That's why we started using it in the first place. I believe it would be a shame to abandon this project.

I have created PR for 1.24.0 #84

My previous closed PR was for kubernetes-php-runtime I would add that later.

Hi @ErikZigo I've been travelling for the last 2 months. Just got back yesterday.

You should submit your PR to a branch called 1.24.0 instead to the 'master', could you submit again please?

With regards to the plan, yes I will keep on maintaining this project, it's just I've been too busy for the last couple of months. I've already done the upgrade in my other project, I need to find some time to upgrade this project as well...

@allansun I am not able to create pull requests from forks into non-existing branches in your repository.
You can create a new branch from your merge commit 114059d or please prepare two branches for 1.24.0 and 1.25.0 and I will prepare new PRs :)