
a php written mysql workbench file reader to transform the database scheme to useful other schemes like Doctrine

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This software is EXPERIMENTAL and not ready for production. It is just a proof of concept.

What is MySQL Workbench schema exporter?

The application is intended to create:

  • Doctrine1
  • Doctrine2
  • Zend DbTable
  • Propel (not implemented)
  • CakePHP (not implemented)

schema files from MySQL Workbench models (*.mwb). It is inspired by http://code.google.com/p/mysql-workbench-doctrine-plugin/.

Doctrine behaviours

Support for behaviours is implemented for Doctrine1. Use the comment fields in tables.


Foreign key name

To replace relations name by the name of the foreign key, start the foreign key name with "d:".

Command Line Interface (CLI)

There is a new CLI to simplify the export process named export.php, you can look under the cli folder. The CLI has feature to customize export configuration before exporting.

The syntax of CLI:

php cli/export.php [options] FILE [DEST]


  • options:
    • --export=type, choose the result of the export, currently available types:
      • doctrine1, Doctrine 1.0 YAML schema
      • doctrine2-yml, Doctrine 2.0 YAML schema
      • doctrine2-annotation, Doctrine 2.0 Annotation classes (default)
      • zend-dbtable, Zend DbTable
    • --config=file, read export parameters from file (in JSON format)
    • --saveconfig, save export parameters to file export.json, later can be used as value for --config=file
    • --zip, compress the result
    • --help, show the usage (or suppress any parameters)
  • FILE, the mwb file to export
  • DEST, the destination directory (optional), if not specified current directory assumed

Sample usage:

php cli/export.php --export=doctrine1 example/data/test.mwb ./generated
php cli/export.php --zip example/data/test.mwb

Sample export paramaters (JSON) for doctrine2-annotation:

    "export": "doctrine2-annotation",
    "zip": false,
    "dir": "temp",
    "params": {
        "skipPluralNameChecking": false,
        "enhancedManyToManyDetection": false,
        "bundleNamespace": "",
        "entityNamespace": "",
        "repositoryNamespace": "",
        "useAnnotationPrefix": "ORM\\",
        "useAutomaticRepository": true,
        "indentation": 4,
        "filename": "%entity%.%extension%"

Exporter Options

General options

General options applied to all formatter.

  • skipPluralNameChecking, skip checking the plural name of model and leave as is, useful for non English table names.

Option list for doctrine 1

  • extendTableNameWithSchemaName
  • {d:externalRelations}

Option list for doctrine 2

  • useAnnotationPrefix
  • indentation
  • useAutomaticRepository
  • extendTableNameWithSchemaName
  • bundleNamespace
  • entityNamespace
  • repositoryNamespace

Option list for Zend DbTable

  • tablePrefix
  • parentTable
  • indentation


Works with PHP 5.3 and up.





// enable autoloading of classes
$classLoader = new SplClassLoader();

// define a formatter
$formatter = new \MwbExporter\Formatter\Doctrine2\Annotation\Loader();

// parse the mwb file
$mwb = new \MwbExporter\Core\Workbench\Document('myDatabaseModel.mwb', $formatter);

// show the output
echo $mwb->display();

// save as zip file in current directory and use .php as file endings
echo $mwb->zipExport(__DIR__, 'php');