- 4
I try to generate yolo.h5 and use this command: python yolo.cfg yolo.weights model_data/yolo.h5
#181 opened by garychian - 6
Installation steps not working
#163 opened by devedse - 0
issues with config_path weights_path output_path
#193 opened by khyatigarg1 - 1 Unsupported yolo_0(yolov3-tiny)?
#144 opened by zihaozhang9 - 2
Newbie question with installation problem
#145 opened by Dylan2388 - 2
In README under Quick Start URL is broken
#169 opened by alexfaus08 - 1
wget yolo cfg doesn't work
#188 opened by hxfdanger - 2
pre-trained yolo9000 bad recognition
#165 opened by zeevikal - 4
- 1
Attempting to use uninitialized value FeatureExtractor/MobilenetV2/expanded_conv_3/depthwise/BatchNorm/beta [[{{node _retval_FeatureExtractor/MobilenetV2/expanded_conv_3/depthwise/BatchNorm/beta_0_179}}]]
#192 opened by vamsikrishnahny - 2
how can detect only one or two class with yolo
#152 opened by mn7142 - 0
convert yolo9000.weights error
#191 opened by futureflsl - 1
ReLu Activation Function
#189 opened by WantBeACodeer - 1
Generate yolo.h5 file
#186 opened by kir9-git - 0
detects only 10 objects on max
#187 opened by beipym - 1
- 0
issue with model last layer
#185 opened by speeding-motor - 2
How to predict via converted yolo9000 model
#158 opened by veya2ztn - 3
InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): Input to reshape is a tensor in Yolov2
#143 opened by Estapraq - 0
Using darknet19 as a simple classifier
#183 opened by karthiksprakash - 1
when I run the code "yolo_model = load_model("model_data/yolov2.h5")" always raise an error
#182 opened by nTnZone - 2
ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape (1, 416, 416) for Tensor 'input_1:0', which has shape '(?, 416, 416, 3)'
#178 opened by cverzq - 0
- 0
The bounding box shifts
#179 opened by eraser3112 - 0
Replace with keras Model
#177 opened by look4pritam - 0
- 1
Getting error TypeError: buffer is too small for requested array with Memory Warning, while converting into H5
#170 opened by vasanthhr - 0
- 2
when trying'./ yolo.cfg yolo.weights model_data/yolo.h5', has problem
#174 opened by techDeng - 0
weird error
#173 opened by thirukumars - 0
- 0
- 1
- 3
- 0
- 2
./ invalid syntax
#142 opened by job2003 - 3
Unable to get bounding boxes for test images
#162 opened by Rathna21 - 0
getting Nan for output values
#164 opened by Rathna21 - 2
- 0
Not able to save .h5 file
#159 opened by epjonnadula - 0
How to set GPU number with ?
#157 opened by litingsjj - 2
ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape (1, 416, 416) for Tensor 'input_1:0', which has shape '(?, 416, 416, 3)
#155 opened by rtrahms - 0
how to use .weights file and what's meaning?
#156 opened by quliang93 - 0
"pi@raspberrypi:~/yad2k $ pip install numpy h5py pillow" has these errors
#153 opened by VictorTagayun - 1
- 0
Getting larger loss on retrain
#151 opened by rahulnirdhar - 0
Extract feature from a specific layer
#150 opened by mrkieumy - 1
- 1
#147 opened by Adamdad - 2
Loss computed by model.predict() does not match Keras training output reporting
#146 opened by kechan