
复现Video Stitching for Linear Camera Arrays

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


复现Video Stitching for Linear Camera Arrays


链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1dkp2jXqRIwqcplj-NAIraQ 提取码:i1p9


CARLA for dataset generation

  • download software

option1: download softwares for windows 10 from following link, and unzip them.

链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1itOuasnq40xLMFZGJ4iT8Q 提取码:j1un

option2: download softwares for ubuntu 18.04 from following link, and unzip them.

链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ZnTj8bWMRo3tn9D3E2wqwQ 提取码:31ys

option3: find more resource from CARLA

  • install required packages

    ○ 建立虚拟环境(optional)

      § virtualenv  carla  --python==python37

    ○ 启动虚拟环境(optional)

      § carla\script\activate

    ○ 安装package

      § pip install --user pygame numpy -I https::/pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
  • 下载项目代码

  • 生成dataset

    ○ 启动虚拟环境

     § carla\script\activate 

    ○ 启动server

      § cd <directory of CARLA software>
      § CARLA_0.9.11\WindowsNoEditor\CarlaUE4.exe

    ○ 生成dataset

      § cd <code folder>/PythonAPI
      § python  .\generate_dataset.py #generate video dataset

    dataset can be found under folder, 'PythonAPI/output/'