I237 2018 fall semester lab project template


This is a Microchip ATmega2560 lab project template for I237-2018 fall semester. All programs run examples are meant to be run in project directory.

Repository structure and directories

Repository structure is inline with Makefile. Changes to repository structure require Makefile modifications.

Project structure:

bin/ - built usercode (firmware)

doc/ - documentation

lib/ - libraries (third party components)

src/ - project source code

tooling - scripts, tools and so on.

Empty directories contain file .gitkeep. Do not remove those files. Git can not track empty directories.

.gitignore ignores astyle formatter changed source code files, bin directory, C object files and other intermediate files. Also common ignored files for editors and operating systems are ignored based on GitHub templates.

Toolchain set-up

Needed programs to compile and deploy the firmware project


AVR Libc version 2.0.0 shall be used. See AVR Libc Toolchain Overview for tools descriptions and purpose.

In addition following programs are required to develop and test lab software project.

gedit, including gedit-plugins gedit-developer-plugins gedit-source-code-browser-plugin
GNU screen

Toolchain installation for Ubuntu includes those.

Ubuntu 18.04

Use apt or any other package manager of your choice.

$ sudo apt-get install binutils-avr gcc-avr avr-libc avrdude make \
> gedit gedit-common gedit-developer-plugins gedit-plugins \
> gedit-source-code-browser-plugin git astyle screen

NB! in order to deploy(upload) firmware to the microcontroller your user shall be part of dialout group.

To add your user:

$ sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER

Logout is eventualy required in desktop environment.

MacOS 10.13

Most convenient way is to use Homebrew package manager. Alternative could be compiling toolchain from source.

NB! Command Line Tools for Xcode are eventually required Easiest way to install those is to install Xcode from App store. To only install minimum of required tools, see instructions in homebrew-avr Installing homebrew-avr formulae.

  1. Install Homebrew according to instructions provided in project homepage.

    $ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
  2. Create avr-cross tap

    See tap project homebrew-avr for more detailed instructions and clarifications.

    $ brew tap osx-cross/avr
  3. Install compiler

    $ brew install avr-gcc

    NB! avr-binutils and avr-libc are installed via dependencies. There is no need to install those separately.

  4. Install avrdude

    $ brew install avrdude
  5. Install astyle

    $ brew install astyle



Others and compiling toolchain from source

See AVR Libc Building and Installing the GNU Tool Chain.

NB! Instructions in Building the Toolchain for Windows are outdated and applicable only for historic Windows operating systems.

Make targets

Following targets are in use:

  • default target (run make without target) - build project. Firmware files are built into the directory bin.

    For example:

    $ make
  • clean target - deletes built firmware and object files.

    For example:

    $ make clean
  • dist-clean - in addition to clean code formatter preserved original files are deleted.

  • install - uploads built firmware via avrdude.

    **NB! default device file is /dev/ttyACM0. Use environment variable ARDUINO to define other device file.

    For example:

    $ export ARDUINO=/dev/ttyACM1
  • erase - Uploads "blank" firmware in tooling/atemega2560-blank-user-code/bin/atmega2560-user-code-blank.ihx to the device via avrdude See Readme.txt for details.

  • format - formats C source files in src/ directory via script in format-code.sh.

  • size - prints user code size via avr-size in AVR format.