
REST API for an ATM-style cash dispensing application

Primary LanguagePython


REST API for an ATM-style cash dispensing application.

How to build and run the application

Docker was used to set up the automatic build for this project.

You can run the application by pulling from Docker Hub:

$docker run -d -p 8000:8000 allbackoff/cashman-atm

This executes automated tests and then builds the application.

Now, you can access it by going to

There you will see the list of endpoints which you can visit to check the functions.


You can initialize the ATM by sending the POST request with contents in JSON format to /atm/start/, for example:

    "D_HUNDRED" : 10,
    "D_TWENTY" : 7

Response will contain the information regarding amount of each type of banknote in the newly created session.

Similarly, you can deposit some amount by sending JSON in that format to /atm/deposit/


To check withdrawal, first you should have a initialized session.

Then you can send the POST request with just a number to /atm/withdraw/

The result of this operation will be presented as a JSON with combination of banknotes which sum up to the requested amount.

During both deposit and withdrawal transactions, application will use the latest session present.

Libraries used

Other than the core Django framework, I used the Django Rest Framework.

I made this choice so that I can concentrate on pure back-end work with REST API principles.