
Django build command to generate your app

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Django Scaffold

Django Scaffold provides a build command to inspect models and generate views, urls, templates, admin etc.


env/bin/pip install -e git+git@github.com:allcaps/django-scaffold.git#egg=django-scaffold


Django Scaffold does introspection of models.py. Create a your webapp and compose your models. Alternatively you can inspect an existing database with the inspectdb command.

Make sure both your app and scaffold are in INSTALLED_APPS:


The build command generates admin, views, urls, templates and writes them to your app:

python manage.py build your_app

After the build



TEMPLATES[0]['OPTIONS']['context_processors'] += ['webapp.context_processors.base']

STATIC_URL = '/static/'
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static/')
MEDIA_URL = '/media/'
MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'media/')

INSTALLED_APPS += ['django.contrib.sites']


from model_mixins import BaseMixin

# For each model in models add BaseMixin:
class Foo(BaseMixin, models.Model):

Creating your own scaffold

Make sure your app comes before scaffold. This makes Django find your template overrides first.

Copy the scaffold template to your_app/templates/scaffold to customise them:

cp path/to/site-packages/scaffold/templates/scaffold your_app/templates/

Some ideas

  • Override the django template processor to make a second template language to make 'template tempelates' more readable.
  • Create settings for Single and Multiple generator template names. So it is easy to customize the template sets.
  • Template packages (minimal, Bootstrap, REST API, CRUD, Wagtail).
  • Add get_admin_url and add admin edit buttons on page when user has access to admin.
  • Add instructions.html template to display in terminal.
  • Add rollback option or alternatively warn when project is not a clean checkout.