Wagtail Live
This was my inspiration for high speed publishing:
but it could have been faster and more fun, with Wagtail and Slack!
- Create a database
createdb liveblog
- Add your Slack credentials
cp liveblog/settings/.env.example liveblog/settings/.env
- Set up the app in a virtual environment:
virtualenv env -p python3.7
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser
python manage.py runserver
- Log in to the admin. Create a homepage (index) and a child LiveBlog page.
Use ngrok to expose your local web server
brew cask install ngrok
ngrok http 8000
Configure the Slack app
Event API endpoint https://[HASH].ngrok.io/api/event/
Start Redis
brew services start redis