
DUE: March 24th by 2:50pm

Table of Contents


Designed for use with GitHub Classroom, this repository contains the starter for Laboratory 2 in Computer Science 203. As part of this assignment, you should answer all of the questions in the reflection.md file, furnishing evidence of your contributions to this week's effort towards completing the long-term software engineering project. Students who have questions about this task should talk with a student technical leader or the course instructor. Before the due date for this laboratory assignment, please ensure that:

  • You are able to build, test, and use the current version of GatorMiner.

  • You understand the purpose and functionality of GatorMiner.

  • You have a clear understanding of how to use ZenHub board.

  • You made significant contributions in your team, as evidenced by creation of new issues and appropriate modifications made to existing issues in the project repository.

  • You explored the Python programs and packages used by the long-term software engineering project.

  • This GitHub repository contains a completed reflection file.


  • To practice organizing teams and team roles in preparation for the long-term software engineer project.

  • To experience project onboarding.

  • To learn how to use ZenHub boards to manage a software project.

  • To continue to learn how to use GitHub and the GitHub Flow model to support collaboration among a team of software engineers.

  • To continue to learn how to use Markdown to complete technical writing tasks.

  • To reflect on the process to be able to continue improving professional and technical skills.

Code of Conduct

Throughout the completion of this software engineering project you must adhere to the code of conduct that we developed as part of a previous laboratory assignment. In addition to reporting any violations of the code of conduct, please make sure that you attest to the fact that you followed the code of conduct. That is, make sure you have signed the Code of Conduct document in its repository. Students who think that the software engineering team should revise some aspect of the code of conduct must use the GitHub issue tracker for that repository to suggest, discuss, and implement any required changes.

Technical and Professional Skills

Even though this long-term software engineering project involves a multiple-week effort, you are expected to make significant contributions to the project every week. As a means for documenting your contributions to this project, you should fully complete the reflection document and, additionally, annotate the assessment guide to track your proficiency of the professional and technical skills in the field of software engineering. For this task, first copy the assessment.md file from the assessment repository to your lab02 repository. Then, for each category for which you decide an assessment is appropriate, you should write a couple of sentences reporting your current level of proficiency and the evidence that you would furnish to support your assessment. If there is not a description next to one of the assessment criteria, then the instructor will assume that you are currently working at the :disappointed: level. Please note that you are responsible for documenting your proficiency of all the technical and professional skills in software engineering by the completion of this long-term software project.

Assignment Assessment

The grade that a student receives on this assignment will have the following components.

  • GitHub Actions CI Build Status [up to 10%]:: For lab02 repository associated with this assignment students will receive a checkmark grade if their last before-the-deadline build passes.

  • Mastery of Technical Writing [up to 25%]:: Students will also receive a checkmark grade when the responses to the writing questions presented in the reflection.md reveal a proficiency of both writing skills and technical knowledge. To receive a checkmark grade, the submitted writing should have correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation in addition to following the rules of Markdown and providing accurate answers.

  • Personal Assessment [up to 15%]:: Students will also receive a checkmark grade when their personal assessment is appropriately documents in the assessment.md file.

  • Level of Contribution [up to 30%]:: Students will also receive a checkmark grade when their level of contribution indicates active engagement in the process of planning for contributions to the software engineering project. The engagement should be reported in the reflection document located in this repository.

  • Mastery of Technical Knowledge and Skills [up to 20%]: Students will also receive a checkmark grade when their contributions reveal that they have improved on the technical knowledge and skills developed during the completion of this assignment. As a part of this grade, the instructor will assess aspects of the sprint 0 including, but not limited to, the use of effective GitHub issues, understanding of ZenHub board, correct use of GitHub flow practices, and understanding of the objectives and inner-workings of GatorMiner.

All grades for this project will be reported through a student's gradebook GitHub repository.

Reporting Problems

If you have any problems with the completion of this assignment, then please create an issue in this repository using the "Issues" link at the top of this site. Before this assignment is submitted by the due date, all the issues in this repository should have been assigned to a team member, discussed, handled, marked as resolved, and then closed.

Receiving Assistance

If you are having trouble completing any part of this project, then please talk with either the course instructor or a student technical leader during the course session. Alternatively, you may ask questions in the Slack workspace for this course. Finally, you can schedule a meeting during the course instructor's office hours.