
✅ Python solutions for data structures & algorithms with test files and detailed write-ups

Primary LanguagePython

Complete Handbook for DSA Solutions in Python 🐍

A complete repository containing data structure implementations and LeetCode solutions. This can be used as a handbook to reference and learn these implementations in depth and a guide to study for interviews. Each python file follows the pycodestyle style guide.

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LeetCode Solutions ✅

LeetCode is an online algorithm judging platform for engineers and mathmatcians to practice their problem solving abilities. Practicing LeetCode is known to help with passing technical interviews and can greatly increase algorithmic skills. Each solution is paired with a test file and README to understand the solution and overall problem. See below for an updated list of the solved problems in this repo.


Algorithm Table — [20] Solved

No. Title Solution Complexity Difficulty
0001 Two Sum Py O(N) Easy
0003 Longest Substring without Repeating Characters Py O(N) Medium
0004 Median of two Sorted Arrays Py O(log(M+N)) Hard
0011 Container with Most Water Py O(N) Medium
0014 Longest Common Prefix Py O(Nlog(N)) Easy
0028 Implement strStr() Py O(N) Easy
0049 Group Anagrams Py (Nlog(N)) Medium
0051 N-Queens Py O(N^2) Hard
0053 Maximum Subarray Py O(N) Easy
0054 Spiral Matrix Py O(M+N) Medium
0056 Merge Intervals Py O(Nlog(N)) Medium
0058 Length of Last Word Py O(N) Easy
0094 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal Py O(N) Easy
0125 Valid Palindrome Py O(N) Easy
0155 Min Stack Py O(1) Medium
0198 House Robber Py O(N) Medium
0207 Course Schedule Py O(V+E) Medium
0217 Contains Duplicate Py O(N) Easy
0240 Search in a 2D Matrix II Py O(M+N) Medium
0257 Binary Tree Paths Py O(N) Easy

Data Structures 🏛

Data Structures or DS are key to understanding the fundmentals of programming. They teach us how data is stored, retrieved, and updated. Each data structure implementation comes with a test file as well as a README to reinforce the learnings.


In this repository, the following data structures are implemented:

  1. Linked List
  2. Weighted Graph
  3. Trie


Python comes pack with various cool methods and operations that all time different amounts of time. Here is a list of all of the standard python method's and their respective time complexities. Refer to this to brush up on your knowledge of python's standard library.


Operation Example Class Notes
Index l[i] O(1)
Store l[i] = 0 O(1)
Length len(l) O(1)
Append l.append(5) O(1) mostly: ICS-46 covers details
Pop l.pop() O(1) same as l.pop(-1), popping at end
Clear l.clear() O(1) similar to l = []
Slice l[a:b] O(b-a) l[1:5]:O(l)/l[:]:O(len(l)-0)=O(N)
Extend l.extend(...) O(len(...)) depends only on len of extension
Construction list(...) O(len(...)) depends on length of ... iterable
check ==, != l1 == l2 O(N)
Insert l[a:b] = ... O(N)
Delete del l[i] O(N) depends on i; O(N) in worst case
Containment x in/not in l O(N) linearly searches list
Copy l.copy() O(N) Same as l[:] which is O(N)
Remove l.remove(...) O(N)
Pop l.pop(i) O(N) O(N-i): l.pop(0):O(N) (see above)
Extreme value min(l)/max(l) O(N) linearly searches list for value
Reverse l.reverse() O(N)
Iteration for v in l: O(N) Worst: no return/break in loop
Sort l.sort() O(N Log N) key/reverse mostly doesn't change
Multiply k*l O(k N) 5*l is O(N): len(l)*l is O(N**2)


Operation Example Class Notes
Length len(s) O(1)
Add s.add(5) O(1)
Containment x in/not in s O(1) compare to list/tuple - O(N)
Remove s.remove(..) O(1) compare to list/tuple - O(N)
Discard s.discard(..) O(1)
Pop s.pop() O(1) popped value "randomly" selected
Clear s.clear() O(1) similar to s = set()
Construction set(...) O(len(...)) depends on length of ... iterable
check ==, != s != t O(len(s)) same as len(t); False in O(1) if the lengths are different
<=/< s <= t O(len(s)) issubset
>=/> s >= t O(len(t)) issuperset s <= t == t >= s
Union s t O(len(s)+len(t))
Intersection s & t O(len(s)+len(t))
Difference s - t O(len(s)+len(t))
Symmetric Diff s ^ t O(len(s)+len(t))
Iteration for v in s: O(N) Worst: no return/break in loop
Copy s.copy() O(N)

Dictionaries: Dict and Defaultdict

Operation Example Class Notes
Index d[k] O(1)
Store d[k] = v O(1)
Length len(d) O(1)
Delete del d[k] O(1)
get/setdefault d.get(k) O(1)
Pop d.pop(k) O(1)
Pop item d.popitem() O(1) popped item "randomly" selected
Clear d.clear() O(1) similar to s = {} or = dict()
View d.keys() O(1) same for d.values()
Construction dict(...) O(len(...)) depends # (key,value) 2-tuples
Iteration for k in d: O(N) all forms: keys, values, items, Worst: no return/break in loop

Helpful Resources

  1. Competitive Programming Handbook
  2. Grokking the Coding Interview
  3. Cracking the Coding Interview