- alexrame
- anas-awadallaSeattle, Washington
- apmoore1Lancaster University
- ashim95
- cherry979988@INK-USC
- cyc1am3nNC Soft
- danny911krLos Angeles
- epwalshCentral Oregon
- fly51flyPRIS
- gabrielStanovskyAI2 and UW-NLP
- hammer
- HarshTrivediLUNR Lab @ Stony Brook University
- hunterhectorCarnegie Mellon University
- IanMagnusson@uwnlp @allenai
- jbragg@allenai Allen Institute for AI (AI2)
- jmelot@georgetown-cset
- joemzhaoici
- ksteimel@CiscoSystems
- kugwzk
- LFhaseSomeplace
- ludwigschmidtUniversity of Washington
- nschlemmcoder nostra GmbH
- rcshubhadeepGoa
- sasikiranValueLabs, LLP
- SeanBELondon, England
- shyamsn97
- soeque1Seoul, South Korea
- soldni@allenai @queerai
- SushantDaga
- tlin-taolin@epfml
- vrunm
- xzyaoiETH Zurich / @eth-easl
- yakazimirThe Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2)
- yuchenlin@allenai
- zhaochenyang20University of California, Los Angeles
- zhichengg