- aflah02Max Planck Institute for Software Systems: MPI SWS
- ChenghaoMouDocusign
- chris-ha458Independent research with EleutherAI, DuckAI
- chujiezhengTsinghua University
- cliangyuStanford University
- davidefiocco@frontiersin
- donglixpMicrosoft Research
- Edward-SunCarnegie Mellon University
- f-koehnke
- fangtaosongUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences, NLP LAB
- fly51flyPRIS
- FYVictor93
- ianandVP Product
- iofu728Microsoft Research
- jadedgnome
- kugwzk
- LooperXXHarbin Institute of Technology
- lukecav@liquidweb
- martiansideofthemoonSenior Research Scientist, Google DeepMind
- MivgDemystify AI
- nullbio@volatiletech
- oboo1156EV4Africa
- oroszgy@ec-doris
- prnakeTsinghua University
- reinb127.0.0.1
- SandalotsVolcanak
- shizhediaoNVIDIA
- t1101675Tsinghua University
- taisazeroPhD Student - UNC@Charlotte
- Taishi-N324Institute of Science Tokyo
- vishaal27University of Tübingen | University of Cambridge
- we1l1n
- yotamnahum@Samplead
- zhaowei-wang-nlpHKUST
- ZhihongShaoTsinghua University