
Data for SDI detection (SUPP.AI)


SUPP.AI: detecting supplement-drug interactions

This repository contains data used to detect dietary supplement interactions from scientific articles on SUPP.AI. We train the RoBERTa-DDI model using drug-drug interaction data from the DDI-2013 and NLM-DailyMed datasets. We use this model to extract evidence sentences for supplement interactions from 22M articles in Semantic Scholar.

The resulting interactions are available for search at SUPP.AI.

Extracted evidence is available for bulk download here.

See our arXiv preprint for implementation and data details.

Please address feedback to lucyw [at] allenai [dot] org.


RoBERTa-DDI uses pre-trained representations from the RoBERTa language model and fine-tunes these representations on DDI classification data. The model is implemented using AllenNLP.

Training data

Training data is derived from the DDI-2013 and NLM-DailyMed datasets. Train/test splits are preserved from the Merged PDDI data release. Development sets are split from the training set for each of the two datasets. Additional pre-processing is performed to create pairwise combinations of entities from each sentence.

Train/Dev/Test splits are available in training_data/.

Dataset Train Dev Test
DDI 2013 (max 10) 9442 1077 2026
NLM DailyMed (max 10) 6847 870 740
DDI 2013 (max 100) 18362* 2069* 4413
NLM DailyMed (max 100) 11372* 1255* 927
DDI 2013 (all pairs) 25594 2069 5688*
NLM DailyMed (all pairs) 13090 1255 927*

Max 10 limits source sentences to those with less than 10 unique pairs of labeled entities. Max 100 limits source sentences to those with less than 100 unique pairs of labeled entities. All pairs perserves all pairwise relationships without any filtering.

The model was trained on training data splits with max 100 pairs perserved (training_data/NLM-DDI2013-Corpora-Pairs-V1max100/). Test results are reported on all pairs (training_data/NLM-DDI2013-Corpora-Pairs-All/) of entities from the test split for comparability to prior work. These are marked with asterisks in the table for clarity.

Supplement interaction evaluation data

A set of 500 sentences are manually labeled for the presence or absence of a supplement-related interaction. These labels are provided in sdi_eval.tsv.

Performance of RoBERTa-DDI on the DDI and SDI test sets is given below:

Test set Precision Recall F1-score
Drugs (DDI-2013) 0.90 0.87 0.88
Drugs (NLM-DailyMed) 0.83 0.85 0.84
SDI-eval 0.82 0.58 0.68

UMLS CUI clusters

We leverage UMLS Metathesaurus identifiers (CUIs) to identify supplement and drug entities. We perform filtering and clustering to create a list of supplement and drug identifiers which we surface on SUPP.AI. These identifier clusters are available at cui_clusters.json.


If using this data, please cite our ACL paper:

Wang, L.L., Tafjord, O., Cohan, A., Jain, S., Skjonsberg, S., Schoenick, C., Botner, N., & Ammar, W. (2020). SUPP.AI: finding evidence for supplement-drug interactions. ACL.

    title = "{SUPP}.{AI}: finding evidence for supplement-drug interactions",
    author = "Wang, Lucy  and
      Tafjord, Oyvind  and
      Cohan, Arman  and
      Jain, Sarthak  and
      Skjonsberg, Sam  and
      Schoenick, Carissa  and
      Botner, Nick  and
      Ammar, Waleed",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations",
    month = jul,
    year = "2020",
    address = "Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/2020.acl-demos.41",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/2020.acl-demos.41",
    pages = "362--371"