
Stuff for programming a Mesos cluster on the Google Cloud

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Container Solutions Terraform Mesos

How to set up a Mesos cluster on the Google Cloud using Terraform

Install Terraform

Get your Google Cloud JSON Key

Get Google Cloud SDK

Add your SSH key to the Project Metadata

  • Back in the Developer Console, go to Compute - Compute Engine - Metadata and click the SSH Keys tab. Add your public SSH key there.
  • Use the path to the private key and the username in the next step as gce_ssh_user and gce_ssh_private_key_file

Prepare Terraform configuration file

Create a file mesos.tf containing something like this:

module "mesos" {
    source                      = "github.com/ContainerSolutions/terraform-mesos"
    account_file                = "/path/to/your.key.json"
    project                     = "your google project"
    region                      = "europe-west1"
    zone                        = "europe-west1-d"
    gce_ssh_user                = "user"
    gce_ssh_private_key_file    = "/path/to/private.key"
    name                        = "mymesoscluster"
    masters                     = "3"
    slaves                      = "5"
    network                     = ""
    domain                      = "example.com"
    image                       = "ubuntu-1504-vivid-v20151120"
    mesos_version               = "0.22.1"

See the variables.tf file for the available variables and their defaults

Standard Mesos Ubuntu package

If you set image to the standard Ubuntu 15.04 GCE image name, you get the standard Mesos version distributed with this operating system.

image = "ubuntu-1504-vivid-v20151120"

Specific Mesos Ubuntu package version

If you decide to use a specific version of Mesos, which does exist as an Ubuntu package, enter the version number to the optional mesos_version configuration option.

image = "ubuntu-1504-vivid-v20151120"
mesos_version = "0.25.0-0.2.70.ubuntu1504"

Mesos built from a specific git commit

You might want to try Mesos installed from a specific commit (e.g. "69d4cf654", or "master"). In order to do it, build a GCE virtual machine image (see images/README.md) with Mesos installed and use the GCE_IMAGE_NAME you give it as the image configuration option, e.g.:

image = "ubuntu-1504-trusty-mesos"

Get the Terraform module

Download the module

terraform get

Create Terraform plan

Create the plan and save it to a file. Use module-depth 1 to show the configuration of the resources inside the module.

terraform plan -out my.plan -module-depth=1

Create the cluster

Once you are satisfied with the plan, apply it.

terraform apply my.plan

VPN configuration

Ports 80, 443 and 22 are open on all the machines within the cluster. Accessing other ports, e.g. Mesos GUI (port 5050) or Marathon GUI (port 8080) is only possible with VPN connection set up.

Use the following command to get the location of client.ovpn file, that was created as part of the cluster provisioning.

terraform output -module mesos openvpn

Download the client.ovpn file using e.g. scp and use it to establish VPN with the cluster. Once the VPN is up, you can access all machines within the cluster using their private IP addresses.

Visit the web interfaces

When the cluster is set up, check the Google Developers Console for the internal addresses of the master nodes (or scroll back in the output of the apply step to retrieve them).

Destroy the cluster

When you're done, clean up the cluster with

terraform destroy

To do

  • Cannot reach the log files of the Mesos slave nodes from the web interface on the leading master

The installation and configuration used in this module is based on this excellent howto: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-configure-a-production-ready-mesosphere-cluster-on-ubuntu-14-04