MonoMigrations is to provide some migrations feature based on Entity Framework 6. Entity Framework 6 Migrations work with PowerShell. However, in Linux, PowerShell is not available.
- Mono
- EntityFramework (version 6)
- MySql.Data.Entity.EF6 (depend on your project)
Create a console project. Add the MonoMigrations.dll as the reference to the target project. Then in the source code,
using MonoMigrations;
Write the implementation of the migrations, for example
internal sealed class MyMigrationConfiguration : DbMigrationsConfiguration<FooBarContext> {
public MyMigrationConfiguration() {
AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = true; //Have to set to true, due to the limitation
AutomaticMigrationDataLossAllowed = false; //Set to true if allow data loss
//Example using MySQL, this is required if want to use scaffolding (generate the *.cs files)
SetSqlGenerator("MySql.Data.MySqlClient", new MySql.Data.Entity.MySqlMigrationSqlGenerator());
protected override void Seed(FooBarContext context) { }
Then in the Main(),
public static void Main (string[] args) {
var config = new MyMigrationConfiguration ();
new MigrationsMain<FooBarContext> (config, args);
Build the console application.
Then, to use the created console,
./myMigration.exe -a yourMigrationName
This is based on Add-Migration. 3 files will be created in the working directory,
- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_yourMigrationName.cs
- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_yourMigrationName.Designer.cs
- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_yourMigrationName.resx
where the XXX... are the digits.
Then, to update the database,
./myMigration.exe -u
This will only work if AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = true
The current stage can only update with automatic migrations. As a result, the database will contain the migration IDs as XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_AutomaticMigration, and cannot use the migrations that is created by "-a" option.
Similarly, the DbMigrator methods GetPendingMigrations() and GetLocalMigrations() do not work, except GetDatabaseMigrations().
Lastly, I have tried to use Entity Framework SQLite, but failed to work.