HTML- Code Refractoring

We are trying to take currently existing code, apply semantic HTML elements. Additionally, there was certain criteria needed to meet acceptance located in the HW ReadMe Live demo [here] (

Table of Contents

General Information

The purpose of this project was to familiarize ourselves with:

-Git Hub Reposotories -Terminal Command Line Entries -Semantic HTML elements -Basic HTML Trouble Shooting

Technologies Used

  • Git Hub
  • VS Code - version 1.59.0
  • Git Bash


Setup was initially pretty complicated (for me) and required the following: -Starter Code/ReadMe Instructions located on Git Lab Repo -New Git Hub Repo -Read Me file -index.html -style.css -images -Git Clone, Git Add, Git Commit, Git Push

Once everything was setup, work in VS Code to 'clean up' the existing code by swapping div tags for better suited tags: -special note, after reading about aside class, we put one in line 50 as it made sense for the 'benefits' along the sidebar -added a footer in line 73 -did a split of Section tags and Article tags as Article seemed to better align with the aside along the sidebar. Not a big deal and didnt change much visually, but made the code look cleaner to me -Indentions for readability

Ensure working links: -Note that the one link not working initially didn't have an ID associated with. Once this was added, link worked -Updated Title from 'website' to 'Horiseon' in line 6

Project Status

Project is: no longer being worked on. This was a homework assignment for general HTML understanding.

Room for Improvement

I think we can further improve this by adding a Nav Bar instead of a Div in line 11. Doing this would probably require a change in the style properties as well

Room for improvement:

  • Nav Bar Creation
  • Menu?
