- CPU:Xtensa Dual-core 32-bit LX6 microprocessor(s),up to 600 DMIPS
- RAM:4MB(external)+520K(internal)
- ROM:4MB(external)+448(internal)
- WM8978:mclk from gpio0,48k 32bit 2channel
- MPU6050:3-Axis accelerator and 3-Axis gyro or MPU9250
- BQ24075:Li-ion Charge and power path manage
- Expand all gpio
- a based bsp
- a webserver framework(it's easy to use)
- a websocket-server
- mp3 deocde(helix and mad)
- lightweight http client
- a simple PI(D) algorithm to fuison accel and gyro to euler and quaternion
- webradio
- bluetooth audio
- webcontrol
- baidu_rest_api_rsa
- ble gateway
- 3d show and control
- git clone
- git checkout release/v3.3
- git submodule init
- git submodule update
- git clone
- cd esp32_snow/example
- choose a demo and compile,if failed you can try rm the build dir and build again.
- To support the MPU9250 3 axis sensor, must be installed. These modules must be downloaded into the components directory. This library also requires either the I2Cbus or SPIbus be present in $(home)/esl/libraries.
- To try out the example, load the '3d_show.html' in your browser. ip-address/3d_show/3d_show.html
- The 'bt_speaker example will not compile with the current version of esp-idf. This causes the other examples also to fail. Adding EXCLUDE_COMPONENTS:= bt_speaker to the example's Make file allows the to compile ok.
- a perfect project config(use make menuconfig)
- apple home assistant
- such as qplay protocol
- other funning things.