
Population Genetics on Google Cloud Platform

Primary LanguageJava

GCP-PopGen Processing Pipeline

This repository contains a number of Apache Beam pipeline configurations for processing populations of genomes. Populations added to this repository are for 1000s of individuals. Internal tests indicate scaling to 10Ks of individuals should be ok.

The core pipeline itself is implemented in the dataflow-genomics repository, and covers the "secondary" and "tertiary" portions of genome sequence analyses, i.e. the pipeline processes DNA FASTQ files through to VCF files against provided FASTA references.

Processing includes the following steps:

  1. Reading samples metadata from CSV files . See an example here: example-metadata.csv. We're encoding metadata with SRA reads format. You can override this for your own sample metadata needs, see com.google.allenday.genomics.core.model.SampleMetaData.
  2. Downloading run FASTQ files and FASTA reference sequences.
  3. Aligning FASTQ files and create SAM files.
  4. Merging, sorting, and indexing same-sample run SAM into sorted, merged BAM files.
  5. Variant calling BAM files with DeepVariant, producing VCF files.
  6. ETLing VCF files as BigQuery variants schema using gcp-variant-transforms.

PopGen projects

You can find CSV files with project-, sample-, amd run- level metadata in the following project directories:

  • cannabis-3k - ~3000 Cannabis sativa samples
  • rice-3k - 3024 Oryza sativa samples
  • human-1k ~1000 Homo sapiens samples

SRA metadata example

Assay_Type	AvgSpotLen	BioSample	Center_Name	DATASTORE_provider	DATASTORE_region	Experiment	InsertSize	Instrument	LibraryLayout	LibrarySelection	LibrarySource	Library_Name	LoadDate	MBases	MBytes	Organism	Platform	ReleaseDate	Run	SRA_Sample	Sample_Name	cultivar	dev_stage	geo_loc_name	tissue	BioProject	BioSampleModel	Consent	DATASTORE_filetype	SRA_Study	age
WGS	100	SAMN00738286	UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO	gs s3 sra-sos	gs.US s3.us-east-1 sra-sos.be-md sra-sos.st-va	SRX100361	0	Illumina HiSeq 2000	SINGLE	size fractionation	GENOMIC	CS-US_SIL-1	2012-01-21	5205	3505	Cannabis sativa	ILLUMINA	2011-10-12	SRR351492	SRS266493	CS-USO31-DNA	USO-31	missing	missing	young leaf	PRJNA73819	Plant	public	sra	SRP008673	missing
WGS	100	SAMN00738286	UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO	gs s3 sra-sos	gs.US s3.us-east-1 sra-sos.be-md sra-sos.st-va	SRX100368	0	Illumina HiSeq 2000	SINGLE	size fractionation	GENOMIC	CS-US_SIL-2	2012-01-21	2306	1499	Cannabis sativa	ILLUMINA	2011-10-12	SRR351493	SRS266493	CS-USO31-DNA	USO-31	missing	missing	young leaf	PRJNA73819	Plant	public	sra	SRP008673	missing

Preparing data


The following steps must be performed before you can start data processing:

  1. Create SRC_BUCKET_NAME GCS bucket
  2. Create WORKING_BUCKET_NAME GCS bucket
  3. Annotation CSV must be uploaded to the SRC_BUCKET_NAME
  4. Source FASTQ files must be retrieved (e.g. from NCBI SRA archive) and uploaded to the SRC_BUCKET_NAME
  5. Reference genomes (.fasta or .fa) must be retrieved (e.g. from NCBI Assemple archive)
  6. Reference genomes must indexed using samtools and minimap.
  7. All reference genome files and indexes must be uploaded to the SRC_BUCKET_NAME.

As a result, SRC_BUCKET will have the following structure:

    + sra_csv/
        - sra_project_1.csv
        - sra_project_2.csv
        - ...
+ fastq/
    + (sra_study_name)/
        + (sra_sample_nmae)/
            - (sra_read_name_1)_1.fastq
            - (sra_read_name_1)_2.fastq
            - (sra_read_name_2)_1.fastq
            - (sra_read_name_2)_2.fastq
            - (sra_read_name_3)_1.fastq
+ reference/
    + (reference_name)/
        - (reference_name).fa
        - (reference_name).fa.fai

And the following structure will be created in the WORKING_BUCKET_NAME GCS bucket after processing:

    + processing_output/
        + (processing_date)/
            + result_aligned_bam/
                - (read_name_1)_(reference_name).bam
            + result_sorted_bam/
                - (read_name_1)_(reference_name).bam
            + result_merged_bam/
                - (sample_name_1)_(reference_name).bam
                - (sample_name_1)_(reference_name).bam.bai
            + result_dv/
                + (sample_name_1)_(reference_name)/
                    - (sample_name_1)_(reference_name).vcf
                    - (log_filed)
  + dataflow/
    + temp/
        - (dataflow_job_temp_files)
    + staging/
        - (dataflow_job_staging_files)

Running example

Per-sample (fastq => bigquery) processing job:

mvn clean package
java -cp target/gcp-popgen-0.0.2.jar \
    com.google.allenday.popgen.NanostreamBatchApp \
        --project=cannabis-3k \
        --region="us-central1" \
        --workerMachineType=n1-standard-4 \
        --maxNumWorkers=20 \
        --numWorkers=5 \
        --runner=DataflowRunner \
        --srcBucket=cannabis-3k \
        --inputCsvUri="gs://cannabis-3k/sra_csv_index/converted/*" \
        --sraSamplesToFilter="SRS1098403" \
        --outputGcsUri="gs://cs10-run1-results/processing_output/" \
        --referenceNamesList="AGQN03","MNPR01" \
        --allReferencesDirGcsUri="gs://cannabis-3k/reference/" \
        --memoryOutputLimit=0 \
        --controlPipelineWorkerRegion="us-west2" \
        --stepsWorkerRegion="us-central1" \
        --makeExamplesWorkers=4 \
        --makeExamplesCoresPerWorker=16 \
        --makeExamplesRamPerWorker=60 \
        --makeExamplesDiskPerWorker=90 \
        --callVariantsCoresPerWorker=16 \
        --callVariantsRamPerWorker=60 \
        --callVariantsDiskPerWorker=60 \
        --deepVariantShards=4 \
        --exportVcfToBq=True \

Per-sample (fastq => vcf) processing job:

# Simply set  paramater `exportVcfToBq=False` of the fastq=>bigquery pipeline:

Docs in general terms


Use the following commands to process a dataset:

mvn clean package
java -cp target/gcp-popgen-(current_version).jar \
    com.google.allenday.popgen.NanostreamBatchApp \
        --project=(gcp_project_id) \
        --region=(gcp_worker_machines_region) \
        --workerMachineType=(gcp_worker_machines_type) \
        --maxNumWorkers=(max_number_of_workers) \
        --numWorkers=(start_number_of_workers) \
        --runner=(apache_beam_runner) \
        --stagingLocation=(dataflow_gcs_staging_location) \
        --tempLocation=(dataflow_gcs_temp_location) \
        --srcBucket=(all_source_data_gcs_bucket) \
        --inputCsvUri=(gcs_uri_of_sra_csv_file) \ # Could be pattern with wildcards (*) 
        --outputGcsUri=(gcs_uri_for_writing_results) \
        --referenceNamesList=(list_of_references_names_that will_be_used) \
        --allReferencesDirGcsUri=(gcs_uri_of_dir_with_references) \

If VCF results should be exported to BigQuery, add following arguments:

        --exportVcfToBq=True \

Also could be added optional parameters:

        --sraSamplesToFilter=(list_of_sra_samles_to_process) \ # Use if need to process some certain samples
        --memoryOutputLimit=(max_file_size_to_pass_internaly_between_transforms) \ # Set 0 to store all intermediante files in GCS \

Optional: DeepVariant parameters:

        --controlPipelineWorkerRegion=(region_of_deep_varint_control_pipeline) \
        --stepsWorkerRegion=(region_of_deep_varint_steps_machines) \
        --makeExamplesWorkers=(number) \
        --makeExamplesCoresPerWorker=(number) \
        --makeExamplesRamPerWorker=(number) \
        --makeExamplesDiskPerWorker=(number) \
        --callVariantsCoresPerWorker=(number) \
        --callVariantsRamPerWorker=(number) \
        --callVariantsDiskPerWorker=(number) \
        --postprocess_variants_cores=(number) \
        --postprocess_variants_ram_gb=(number) \
        --postprocess_variants_disk_gb=(number) \
        --preemptible=(bool) \
        --max_premptible_tries=(number) \
        --max_non_premptible_tries=(number) \
        --deepVariantShards=(number) \