All my old VIC-20 code
Can you identify the tune in "music"? I was not sure if it was something I wrote back then.
Also, the "sound effects" I think ones I made, based on examples in the manual. Are any of those familiar?
- creative computing 1983-01 - two programs I typed in from this issue - 8x8 Create, and Brain Warp.
- music - I found this on one of my tapes, in between programs I wrote. I do not know if I found this somewhere, or wrote it. Can you help?
- my new programs - some things I wrote for blog posts on my site as I am re-learning the VIC.
- my old programs - programs I wrote back in 1982-1983.
- stellarbase - I expect this came from a magazine. Can anyone identify it?
- super expander - things for the Super Expander cartridge. If any of these did not come from the manual, let me know -- I know I did a few programs using it but don't remembe rwhat I did, other than the CHUG (Commodore Houston Users Group) logo.
- vic-20 manual games - programs from the VIC-20 manual that I typed in. But, they are different. Did I have an earlier manual revision, or did I make these changes? (I think I may have added the stars on one of them. I used the same technique in one of my programs. Or, I saw it in this version and decided to put it in mine.)
More to come...