
Amazon Clone built with React & Firebase

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Amazon Clone

This project was created using React and Firebase.

Live version: https://clone-4m4z0n.web.app/

Version 1.1

  • Stripe API Integration (use card 4242 4242 4242 4242 to test card payment process).
  • Database implementation to save users' orders. Users can see them in the Orders page.
  • Improved routing:
    • Users can't access Checkout or Orders pages without logging in.
    • Upon log in, users are redirected to previous page.

Version 1.0

  • SPA using React Router v5.
  • Context API for Global State Management.
  • Firebase Email Authentication.
  • BEM methodology for CSS.
  • Mobile responsive.

Future release

  • Set up database for products and user cart persistance.

Run project locally

  • Clone or download project.
  • Open terminal inside the project folder.
  • Type yarn install to install node_modules.
  • Type yarn start to start development server.
  • Set up Firebase with your config data.