
Find your next friend! Using Friend-Finder, users are asked to complete a brief 10 question survey about themselves in order to find a new friend with the closest compatability rating.

Each time a user submits their survey responses this app searches through the existing 'Friends List API', calculates the closest match for each response, and provides the user with the name and photo of their new friend.


Build Status


  • Coming Soon...users will receive email once a new friend is found that matches their compatibility rating

Prerequisites / Dependencies

To duplicate will need the following things properly installed on your computer.

Node dependencies:

  • express
  • body-parcer
  • mailgun-js


  • git clone <repository-url> this repository
  • change into the new directory
  • npm install

Running / Development

  • node server.js

Built With

  • Bootstrap v4.1 - Front-end HTML, CSS, javascript framework for creating responsive web applications
  • JavaScript - Programming language
  • jQuery - Javascript library
  • node.js - Server side programming language
  • express.js - Web application framework used for server side routing
  • body-parser - Middleware parser used for incoming request bodies


Allen Welch