
Configuration files for my Google Pixelbook Go setup (Debian)

Primary LanguageVim Script

📎 Nothing but dotfiles


Create a config folder

cd ~ && mkdir -p .config && cd .config

Set up repo (must install git)

git init && git branch -m main && git remote add origin https://github.com/allenlinsh/dotfiles.git && git fetch origin && git pull origin main

Install packages and plugins


Install nerd fonts

Go to chrome-untrusted://crosh/html/nassh_preferences_editor.html

Initial Color Palette

  "hsla(130, 55%, 41%, 1)",
  "hsla(26, 99%, 53%, 1)",
  "hsla(211, 78%, 51%, 1)",
  "hsla(356, 93%, 65%, 1)",
  "hsla(102, 80%, 69%, 1)",
  "hsla(40, 100%, 63%, 1)",
  "hsla(217, 100%, 90%, 1)",
  "hsla(179, 72%, 58%, 1)",

Custom CSS(URI)


Custom CSS (inline text)

@font-face {
    font-family: "Source Code Pro";
    src: url("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/master/patched-fonts/SourceCodePro/Regular/complete/Sauce%20Code%20Pro%20Nerd%20Font%20Complete.ttf");
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;