
program the ARM CPU using J-Link V8 on a raspberry pi

Primary LanguageHTML

libusb is no longer required.

Running JLinkExe (or J-Link via USB in general) with standard user rights
In order to run JLinkExe with standard user rights you have to do the following:

- Copy the file "99-jlink.rules" provided with this J-Link software package 
  in the /etc/udev/rules.d/ directory using this command:
  sudo cp 99-jlink.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
  Note: For older systems it might be necessary to replace the "ATTRS" calls in the 99-jlink.rules by "SYSFS" calls

- Restart your system

Requirements for auto startup the program
for autostart up in Raspberrypi, need to add 2 lines in /etc/rc.local file, before the last line "exit 0":

cd /home/pi/jlink/jlink
python daemonDFW.py &

Where /home/pi/jlink/jlink is the folder where you put the git package.