A python client library for Google Photos Library API.
The Google Photos Library API allows your app to upload photos and videos to Google Photos. See Google Photos APIs for more details on how to integrate Google Photos with your application.
This library does not currently support the picker API.
See Updates to the Google Photos APIs for additional detail on the latest changes to the API.
This is a thin wrapper around the API used for a very lightweight abstraction. The
primary use case is for Home Assistant though can be used for other usages. This
is redundant with Google Photos APIs however they are very generic. This library
provides a simpler API that is easier to read, supports asyncio
, and also
includes content uploading APIs which don't have a standard client library.
See the API Documentation for more details.
Set up pre-requisites:
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip3 install -r requirements_dev.txt
Run tests and view coverage:
$ py.test --cov-report=term-missing --cov=google_photos_library_api