Ansible playbook to create an NDFC fabric which supports AI/ML workloads



This repository contains an Ansible playbook and related assets which provisions a fabric supporting AI/ML workloads using Cisco's Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller (NDFC).

Repository Contents

  1. AIML_Fabric.yml - The playbook which creates the fabric
  2. doc/* - Informational files for the curious
  3. inventory/* - Edit inventory/hosts and inventory/group_vars/ndfc per steps 3 and 4 below.
  4. ansible.cfg - Required for NDFC. See step 2 below.

Fabric Characteristics


  • 3 Spines
  • 4 Leafs
  • eBGP Spine - Leaf peering
  • Spines are in BGP ASN 65535
  • Leafs are in BGP ASC 65011
  • Leaf1 access-mode interface Eth1/35 connects to Nexus Dashboard Insights over vlan 3967 for monitoring the fabric
  • Leaf1 is configured with Precision Time Protocol (PTP) for
  • RoCEv2 initiators and targets connect to each leaf via access-mode (vlan 2) interface (Ethernet1/11) and corresponding Vlan2 SVI.

Installation and Usage

1. Install the cisco.dcnm Ansible Collection

The Ansible playbook in this repo requires that the cisco.dcnm Collection be installed.

ansible-galaxy collection install cisco.dcnm

2. Ansible Custom Configuration

NDFC requires increasing the default timeout for persistent connections from Ansible's default of 30 seconds to >= 1000 seconds. We have provided an ansible.cfg file with the requisite changes in this repo's top-level directory. If you would rather edit your existing ansible.cfg file (wherever it is), the changes are shown below.


3. Modify ./inventory/group_vars/ndfc

Edit ansible_password (password for NDFC controller) and device_password (password for NX-OS switches)

Add ansible_password and device_password in encrypted format (or non-encrypted, if you don't care about security). These are the passwords you use to login to your DCNM/NDFC Controller, and NX-OS switches, respectively.

To add encrypted passwords for the NDFC controller and NX-OS devices, issue the following from this repo's top-level directory. The lines containing echo are to ensure carraige returns are added after each line that ansible-vault adds.

ansible-vault encrypt_string 'mySuperSecretNdfcPassword' --name 'ansible_password' >> ./inventory/group_vars/ndfc
echo "\n" >> ./inventory/group_vars/ndfc
ansible-vault encrypt_string 'mySuperSecretNxosPassword' --name 'device_password' >> ./inventory/group_vars/ndfc
echo "\n" >> ./inventory/group_vars/ndfc

ansible-vault will prompt you for a vault password each time it's invoked, which you'll use to decrypt these passwords (using ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass) when running the example playbooks.


% ansible-vault encrypt_string 'mySuperSecretNdfcPassword' --name 'ansible_password' >> ./inventory/group_vars/ndfc
New Vault password: 
Confirm New Vault password: 
echo "\n" >> ./inventory/group_vars/ndfc
% cat ./inventory/group_vars/ndfc
ansible_password: !vault |


If you don't care about security, you can add a non-encrypted password by editing the file directly. The following are example unencrypted passwords for the NDFC controller and NX-OS devices added to this file:

ansible_password: mySuperSecretNdfcPassword
device_password: mySuperSecretNxosPassword

Edit ansible_user

Change ansible_user in the same file to the username associated with the above password that you're using on DCNM/NDFC. Change device_username in the same file to the username used to login to your NX-OS switches.


ansible_user: voldomort
device_username: admin

4. Update ./inventory/hosts/hosts with the IP address of your DCNM/NDFC Controller

% cat ./inventory/hosts/hosts 

5. Update the vars section of the AIML_Fabric.yml playbook with the IP addresses and serial numbers of your switches, and with the PTP source IP that we are configuring on leaf1.

6. Run the playbook

If you encrypted your NDFC password:

cd /top/level/directory/for/this/repo
ansible-playbook AIML_Fabric.yml -i inventory --ask-vault-pass 

When prompted, enter the password you used in response to the ansible-vault command in step 1 above.

Or, if you didn't encrypt the NDFC password:

cd /top/level/directory/for/this/repo
ansible-playbook AIML_Fabric.yml -i inventory