This is the minimum code required to get auth (via Twitter) and user accounts working with Go and Google Cloud (App Engine).
This is the base user/auth code I wrote for This Way or That (go-lang edition).
As always, this is a work in progress. Follow me on twitter: @ussherpress
git clone into your $GOPATH/pkg/src/minauth.
cd minauth/example
cp rename_app.yaml app.yaml
Edit app.yaml and enter your own session secret and twitter consumer key and consumer secret. (These bits come from
Test it out with: app.yaml
Simply provide a link to /auth/signin to sign in and /auth/signout to sign out on your page. (See REST API section below for more info.)
Sample code for getting the currently signed in user:
import ""
func myHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
userInfo := minauth.GetUserInfo(r)
// userInfo.Username is user's twitter handle or "anonymous" if not signed in
// userInfo.UserId is the user's unique ID (a UUID generated on first sign-in) or "anonymous" if not signed in
User info is stored in Google App Engine datastore (see web/backend/user).
When a user signs in for the first time, their info is added to the datastore. The user info consists of
- UserId, which is a UUID generated for each user
- Username, which is currently just the twitter handle (in the future this could be something of the user's choosing)
- Servicename, which is just the string "twitter" for now (if other auth providers are added, this would be "google" or "facebook")
- ServiceId, which is the unique identifier provided by twitter, prefixed by "twitter-"
When a user signs in again, this info is looked up via the Servicename and ServiceId.
To access info on the user or to sign in and out:
/api/user - this returns the current user info as json ({UserId:, Username:}).
/auth/signin - initiates the sign-in for twitter oauth
/auth/signout - signs the current user out
/auth/callback - handler for Twitter oauth callback