#About This project is published by Dr. Joseph M. Newcomer You can find the original code here http://www.flounder.com/cpuid_explorer1.htm

#Term of Use

By Dr. Joseph M. Newcomer http://www.flounder.com/mvp_tips.htm

My Policy on Use of My Code

The code here is delivered "as is" with no warranty, express or implied, about its utility, correctness, merchantability, or suitability for any particular purpose.  I will not be responsible for consequences of the incorporation of this code, in its original or modified form, in any product.  The usual verbiage applies here: I will not be responsible for any form of financial, business, or other loss, including but not limited to lost time, lost revenue, and the like, caused by the use of this code in any context. You are free to copy, modify, and reuse it in any context: personal, academic, or commercial, as you see fit.  The only restrictions on its use is that (a) you may not publish it as if it is your own, or claim authorship of it in a public or private declaration; (b) you may not attempt to sell it for any amount of money (although you are free to incorporate it into products you are selling; you may not sell it standalone); (c) you may not redistribute the source without retaining my authorship.

Otherwise, there is a grant for the use of this code as an non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual license, subject to the above restrictions and limitations.

I do not believe in the GNU Public License (GPL, the "copyleft"); I do not think that code re-use should require that you make your code public, and I impose no such limitations on the users of my code.

This code and the essays are primarily provided as a form of teaching materials, to be studied for techniques and methodologies, philosophies of software design and construction, and as discussions to provoke thought.  If you find the code useful, that's cool, too.