Robot Simulator!

    - A web browser running javascript
    - probably computer, display, a mouse and keyboard (but if you're reading this you already have it!)

To run:
    - Run the robot-simulator.html file after downloading!

The database (which is just a 2D array), rule base (just a bunch of if/elses), inference engine (see code for simulation details) is all programmed in Javascript.
In addition, because it's javascript, all graphics elements are just CSS + HTML. File IO is handled by the browser, along with any other system IO.

A log is displayed on the right side of the page, indicating actions taken, along wiht allowing user to:
* import/export their custom grid, 
* dump robot memory, 
* view what the optimial solution would be if everything is known from the beginning (via Dijkstra's)
* reset ending or starting points (or everything)
* randomly generate obstacles
* set the starting position's heading 
* number of moves required

The grid view on the left side of the screen contains:
* the actual map being used
* the start location and heading (if clicked)
* the end location (if clicked)
* place or remove obstacle (if clicked)

Removing a placed Items is as simple as clicking it again!

There's two additional modes:
* in simulation mode, the robot's memory and previous locations are displayed
- Grey means discovered obstacle
- Arrows indicate direction
- Blue means previous robot locations
- Purple means discovered cleared cell in memory

* in optimial path finding mode (clicking find path)
- yellow indicates the optimial path found using Dijkstra's 

Simulation and Dijkstra's requires that a start and end point be specified. 

Finally, the robot only has the following moveset;
1. Robot can go forward (not altering it's heading)
2. Robot can steer forward towards it's left (changing it's heading -45 degrees)
3. Robot can steer forward towards it's right (changing it's heading +45 degrees)
4. Robot can reverse (not altering it's heading)
5. Robot can rotate in place (either left or right, -45/+45 degrees)

Exporting/Importing your own GRID!
Simply clicking on ("Export Grid to File") will generate a .grid file. 
This file is a regular json file that can be edited to make your own custom grid. Or you can click and create your grid for export and later importing.
Importing the grid is just a matter of pressing ("Browse") then clicking ("Import Grid from File").