Docker container with Mapproxy and Mapnik on apache2

This container runs Apache 2 with Mapproxy and Mod_tile configured to working together. It requires a PostgreSQL database setup with openstreetmap data, the username "gis" and in a database named "gis". Tiles are rendered in gray tones, so they are suitable for usage as background maps.

This container has the following parameters:

  • Host "database", where the PostgreSQL database resides.
  • Port "80", where Apache 2 listens on.
  • Volume "/var/lib/mod_tile", where Mod_tile stores its cache.
  • Volume "/usr/local/mapproxy/cache_data", where Mapproxy stores its cache.

The following URLs are available:

Starting the container

docker run --add-host=database: -p 80:80 alleveenstra/mapproxy-mapnik

Setting up a database

This guide shows you how to setup a PostgreSQL database for usage with this container.

The first set is to install the required packages.

sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib postgis wget osm2pgsql
sudo yum install epel-release
sudo yum install postgresql postgresql-server postgis docker boost -y

For CentOS fetch a osm2pgsql from and install it with:

rpm -i filename.rpm

Add the following to line to "/etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf" on Ubuntu or "/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf" on CentOS. The IP range ( should reflect your docker adapter range. You should look this up using: "ifconfig docker0".

host gis gis trust
host gis gis trust

Add the following to "/etc/postgresql/9.3/main/postgresql.conf" or "/var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf" on CentOS. Restart PostgreSQL using "service postgresql restart".

listen_addresses = '*'

Create a superuser called gis.

sudo -u postgres createuser gis -s

Create a database called gis.

sudo -u postgres createdb gis

Add the postgis extensions to database gis.

echo "create extension postgis" | psql --host gis gis
echo "create extension postgis_topology" | psql --host gis gis

Download the openstreetmap data.


Import the openstreetmap data into the database. Note that osm2pgsql has options to speed up an import.

osm2pgsql --slim --database gis --user gis --host netherlands-latest.osm.pbf

Create local directories for the caches.

sudo mkdir -p /data/cache_data /data/mod_tile
sudo chown 33:33 /data/cache_data /data/mod_tile

Pull the container.

docker pull alleveenstra/mapproxy-mapnik

And run it.

docker run --add-host=database: \
           -v /data/mod_tile:/var/lib/mod_tile \
           -v /data/cache_data:/usr/local/mapproxy/cache_data \
           -p 80:80 -d alleveenstra/mapproxy-mapnik

When you experience error with the mount points, you might want to disabled selinux:

su -c "setenforce 0"