
Rollup worker for multiple entry bundle with customize distributes.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Based on rollup with some built-in plugins, make configure more simple and integrations.
Make .fssrc.js as the cli default config file.

Share some common plugins settings between multiple entries.


$ npm i -g rollup-worker@next


# default config: .fssrc.js
$ rb [ -c .fssrc.js ]


cat .fssrc.js

const { version, name, author } = require('./package.json')
const banner = `/*! ${name} v${version} | ${license || 'MIT'} licensed. | by ${author} */`

// Optional enable some builtin plugins
const plugins = [
  ['minimize', { output: { beautify: true } }] // plugin with initial options

module.exports = {
  plugins: {
    babel (opts, { output: { format } }) {
      const babelrc = { ...opts }
      if ([ 'es', 'cjs' ].includes(format)) {
        babelrc.comments = true
      return babelrc
    resolve (opts, { output: { format } }) {
      return {
        preferBuiltins: false,
        customResolveOptions: {
          moduleDirectory: /min|umd|iife/.test(format) ? [ 'node_modules' ] : [ 'src' ]
    typescript (opts) {
      return { 
        typescript: require('@allex/typescript'), // custom tsc engine
        compilerOptions: {
          newLine: "lf"
    globals (opts, { output }) {
      return {
        ...(output.format === 'es' ? {
          process: false,
          buffer: false
        } : {})
    minimize: { // for terser
      ie8: false
    replace: {
      __VERSION__: version
  entry: [
      input: './src/worker/index.ts',
      external: (id, pid, isResolved, next) => {
        return id ==== 'foo' || next(id, true)
      output: [
        { format: 'es', file: 'worker.esm.js' },
        { format: 'umd', file: 'worker.js', name: 'FooWorker', banner }
      input: './src/app/main.ts',
      plugins: [
        ['minimize', { output: { beautify: true } }]
      output: [
        { format: 'iife', compress: true, file: 'app/main.js', banner }
