Code for the paper "Multi-shot Temporal Event Localization: a Benchmark", CVPR 2021

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



This repo holds the code and the models for MUSES, introduced in the paper:
Multi-shot Temporal Event Localization: a Benchmark
Xiaolong Liu, Yao Hu, Song Bai, Fei Ding, Xiang Bai, Philip H.S. Torr
CVPR 2021.

MUSES is a large-scale video dataset, designed to spur researches on a new task called multi-shot temporal event localization. We present a baseline aproach (denoted as MUSES-Net) that achieves SOTA peformance on MUSES. It also reports an mAP of 56.9% on THUMOS14 at IoU=0.5.

Refer to the paper and the project page for more information.

The code largely borrows from SSN and P-GCN. Thanks for their great work!


[2021.6.24] A combination of MUSES-Net and our latest work TadTR achieves 60.0% mAP, a new record on THUMOS14!
[2021.6.19] Code and the annotation file of MUSES are released. Please find the annotation file on our project page.


Usage Guide


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The code is based on PyTorch. The following environment is required.

Other minor Python modules can be installed by running

pip install -r requirements.txt

The code relies on CUDA extensions. Build them with the following command:

python setup.py develop

After installing all dependecies, run python demo.py for a quick test.

Data Preparation

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We support experimenting with THUMOS14. The support for MUSES will come soon. To run the experiments, you can directly download the pre-extracted features.

  • THUMOS14: The features are provided by PGCN. You can download them from [OneDrive] (2.4G). Extract the archive and put the features in data/thumos14 folder. We expect the following structure in this folder.
- data
  - thumos14
    - I3D_RGB
    - I3D_Flow

Reference Models

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Download models trained by us and put them in the reference_models folder:

  • THUMOS14: Models trained with RGB and Flow. [OneDrive]

Testing Trained Models

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You can test the reference models and fuse different modalities on THUMOS14 by running a single script

bash scripts/test_reference_models.sh

Using these models, you should get the following performance

RGB Flow RGB+Flow
mAP@IoU=0.5 46.4 53.9 56.9

The results with RGB+Flow at all IoU thresholds

0.10   | 0.20   | 0.30   | 0.40   | 0.50   | 0.60   | 0.70   | 0.80   | 0.90   | Average |
0.7377 | 0.7219 | 0.6893 | 0.6399 | 0.5685 | 0.4625 | 0.3097 | 0.1334 | 0.0192 | 0.4758  

The testing process consists of two steps, detailed below.

  1. Extract detection scores for all the proposals by running

Here, DATASET should be thumos14 or muses. RESULT_PICKLE is the path where we save the detection scores. CFG_PATH is the path of config file, e.g. data/cfgs/thumos14_flow.yml.

  1. Evaluate the detection performance by running

On THUMOS14, we need to fuse the detection scores with RGB and Flow modality. This can be done by running

python eval.py DATASET RESULT_PICKLE_RGB RESULT_PICKLE_FLOW --cfg CFG_PATH --score_weights 1 1.2 --cfg CFG_PATH_RGB


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Train your own models with the following command

python train_net.py  DATASET  --cfg CFG_PATH --snapshot_pref SNAPSHOT_PREF --epochs 20

SNAPSHOT_PREF: the path to save trained models and logs, e.g outputs/snapshpts/thumos14_rgb/.

We provide a script that finishes all steps on THUMOS14, including training, testing, and two-stream fusion. Run

bash scripts/do_all.sh


Please cite the following paper if you feel MUSES useful to your research

    author    = {Liu, Xiaolong and Hu, Yao and Bai, Song and Ding, Fei and Bai, Xiang and Torr, Philip H. S.},
    title     = {Multi-Shot Temporal Event Localization: A Benchmark},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2021},
    pages     = {12596-12606}

Related Projects

  • TadTR: Temporal action detectioon (localization) with Transformer.


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For questions and suggestions, file an issue or contact Xiaolong Liu at "liuxl at hust dot edu dot cn".