
A pure Python libpcap wrapper!

Primary LanguagePython


PcapPy is a Python wrapper for libpcap purely written in Python. That's right! No need to compile anything using ugly wrapper frameworks like Cython, Pyrex or SWIG (yuck!). Using the pure power of ctypes, PcapPy will give you that warm fuzzy feeling at night.



sudo easy_install pcappy



Sure why not:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from pcappy import PcapPyOffline, open_offline
from sys import argv

if not argv[1:]:
    print 'usage: %s <dump.pcap>' % argv[0]

# Open the file
p = open_offline(argv[1])

# or this instead: p = PcapPyOffline(argv[1])

# Parse only HTTP traffic
p.filter = 'tcp and port 80'

def gotpacket(d, hdr, data):
    print d, hdr, repr(data)
    d['count'] += 1

# pass in some random parameters to loop()'s callback. Can be any python object you want!
d = {'label': 'HTTP', 'count': 0}

# Parameters are count, callback, user params
p.loop(-1, gotpacket, d)

Now run it:

python example.py dump.pcap

Et Voila! You're off to the races!


We've got answers: drop me a line @ndouba or < ndouba at gmail dot com > on twitter!