


To begin you'll need to have installed:

  • Node.js

  • npm (comes with Node.js)

  • Bower

        $ npm i -g bower
  • gulp-cli

        $ npm i -g gulp-cli


  1. Clone the repo

        $ git clone https://github.com/hs3city/hs-budget-front.git
  2. Navigate to the main folder

        $ cd hs-budget-front
  3. Fetch dependencies

        $ npm i && bower i


  1. Run the build system in development mode

        $ gulp dev

Do please note: Once inited the build system watches for changes

  1. Serve hs-budget-front/dev locally to preview your work

I'm a noob, can't serve for shit :c

That's ok, dawng, just:

  1. Install live-server globally

        $ npm i -g live-server
  2. Enter development folder

        $ cd dev
  3. Start the server

        $ live-server

How to contribute

Submit ideas

  • Just drop'em as issues ;)

Look for bugs

  1. Run the app in development mode
  2. Try strange use cases
  3. When you find a bug - submit an issue.

Write code


  • Git basics
  • Understanding of Github's PR
  • ZenHub installed
  • Expertise in a field related to your to-be contribution

How to:

  1. Find an unassigned issue / issue label with "help needed"
  2. Assign yourself
  3. Move the issue from icebox / backlog to in progress
  4. Create a new branch with a meaninguful name
  5. Hack it!
  6. Create a PR with a propper description.


    $ gulp build

Resulting build will be located in /dist folder
