
:hammer_and_wrench: easily add custom actions to primo-explore's actions menu.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm version


Custom links can be added to the actions menu visible on Primo brief results and full display. Links can extract properties of the item's PNX record and apply them to the link URL.




  1. Make sure you've installed and configured primo-explore-devenv.
  2. Navigate to your template/central package root directory. For example:
    cd primo-explore/custom/MY_VIEW_ID
  3. If you do not already have a package.json file in this directory, create one:
    npm init -y
  4. Install this package:
    npm install primo-explore-custom-actions --save

Alternatively, just copy the contents of dist/module.js into your custom.js file.


Once this package is installed, add customActions as a dependency for your custom module definition.

var app = angular.module('viewCustom', ['customActions'])

Note: If you're using the --browserify build option, you will need to first import the module with:

import 'primo-explore-custom-actions';

You can add new actions by adding <custom-action> elements to the template of prmActionListAfter. Each element needs the properties below:

name type usage
name string a short, unique name for the action. don't include whitespace characters.
label string the name that will display on the action button. whitespace ok.
index integer where to insert the action. 0 would be "first", 1 would be "second", etc.
icon string the icon on the button. must be chosen from https://material.io/icons/. should be in the form "ic_icon_name_with_underscores_24px". some icons may not display.
icon-set string the set of icons from which the above icon is drawn.
link string URL to open when the action is clicked. supports templating (see below).


You can create interpolation expressions using { } in the link text and they will be replaced with corresponding values taken from the item - for example, {pnx.control.recordid[0]} would become the recordID of the item, taken from the pnx.


The example below will generate a configuration similar to that visible in the screenshot above. It adds a "report problem" link that will navigate to the institution's "report problem" form and append the record ID as a GET parameter, and a link that will open the given record's PNX for viewing.

Update 2020-08-18: The previous example node for record IDs, pnx.search.recordid[0], contains long random strings for CDI records instead of the ID used in permalinks. PCSG suggests using pnx.control.recordid[0] instead.

var app = angular.module('viewCustom', ['customActions'])

app.component('prmActionListAfter', {
  template: `<custom-action name="open_pnx"
                            label="Open PNX"
                            link="/primo_library/libweb/jqp/record/{pnx.control.recordid[0]}.pnx" />
            <custom-action  name="report_bug"
                            label="Report Bug"
                            link="http://my.institution.edu/report_problem?record_id={pnx.control.recordid[0]}" />`

More detailed documentation is available here on how to link to a specific Primo Record in various reporting systems such as Google Docs, Survey Monkey, and Qualitrics.