
Postman API request collection wrapper that generates an axios http client 🎁

Primary LanguageTypeScript

wrapman 🎁

Postman API request collection wrapper that generates an axios http client.


npm i wrapman

# Generate a flattened JSON file
npx wrapman -i path/to/postman-collection.json -d data

# Read the source collection from a URL
npx wrapman -i https://api.com/my/collection/json --url -d data

Import the flattened JSON file and initialize an API client.

import { WrapmanApiClient } from 'wrapman'
import wrapmanJson from 'data/wrapman.json'

const apiClient = new WrapmanApiClient({
  collection: wrapmanJson

// Wraps axios.request.
// https://axios-http.com/docs/res_schema
// https://axios-http.com/docs/handling_errors
const res = await apiClient.request('Pet Store Collection::Pet::Get Pet')


If the CLI doesn't work for you, generate the flattened collection yourself.

import { Wrapman } from 'wrapman'

const wrapman = new Wrapman({
  collectionPath: 'path/to/postman-collection.json'

const flattenedJson = await wrapman.flatten()

// Do something fancy with flattenedJson.

Request IDs

Given a postman collection like the Pet Store:

Pet Store Collection/
    Create Pet
    Get Pet
    Update Pet
    Get Pet After Update
    Delete Pet
    Get Pet After Delete

Wrapman will generate an API client with request IDs that mimic the collection folder hierarchy, joined by ::

await apiClient.request('Pet Store Collection::Pet::Create Pet', {
  data: {
    name: 'Fido',
    type: 'dog'

await apiClient.request('Pet Store Collection::Pet::Get Pet', {
  vars: {
    pet_id: 123

Variables and Prefix

Given a request ID Pet Store Collection::Pet::Get Pet and a request url {{url}}/pet/{{pet_id}}, you can simplify API client usage with base variable replacement and a prefix.

import { WrapmanApiClient } from 'wrapman'
import wrapmanJson from 'data/wrapman.json'

const apiClient = new WrapmanApiClient({
  collection: wrapmanJson,
  prefix: 'Pet Store Collection',
  vars: {
    url: 'https://petstore.swagger.io/v2'

await apiClient.request('Pet::Get Pet', {
  vars: {
    pet_id: 123

// GET https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/pet/123

Happy wrapping! 🌯