
A tool for submitting Git commits to Perforce without rewriting them.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


Reply-To: Bryce Adelstein Lelbach aka wash

This repository contains a modified version of git p4 (which is part of the main Git distribution) called git p4t (t for transparent) which is designed to submit changes from a Git repository to a Perforce repository without modifying Git history (as git p4 does) and without requiring the use of a service like Perforce GitFusion. This tool was developed by NVIDIA's CUDA C++ Core Libraries team for use in a number of projects such as CUDA Thrust, CUDA CUB, and libcu++.


git p4t is designed for a workflow where Git is the source of truth and all changes are made in Git and then submitted to Perforce.

When git p4 submits a Git commit to Perforce, the original Git commmit is deleted and replaced with a new commit containing the same content. This history rewriting is problematic for Git-centric workflows. It makes it difficult for downstream Git users to rebase, to tell which branches have been merged, and to use GitHub/GitLab pull requests.

Instead, git p4t transparently submits Git commits to Perforce without modifying Git history in any way. It also automatically inserts the Git commit hashes and Git author ids into the submitted Perforce changelist descriptions.

git p4t is not designed for workflows where changes are made in Perforce and then pulled into Git. git p4t will NOT automatically identify and pull changes made in Perforce that are not in the Git tree.

git p4 has strong mechanisms for enforcing unity between Perforce and Git, with the downside that it rewrites Git history. git p4t does not rewrite Git history, but it has much weaker mechanisms for ensuring unity between Git and Perforce.

However, git p4t does give users greater freedom in manually controlling what Git commits are considered submitted to Perforce. The git p4t unify command (which replaces git p4t init) manually sets the commit that the git p4t tool belives Perforce is synchronized with to a specified Git commitish (HEAD by default).

Unlike Perforce GitFusion, git p4t does not require a service to be running on a central server, does not require Perforce administrative access, and does not funnel all Perforce submissions through a single account (limiting accountability and access mechanisms designed around Perforce user IDs).


Parts of this software are distributed under the [GNU Public License version 2 (GPLv2)] and parts of this software are distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.md for further details.


This software is designed to work on Linux-based operating systems.

Required Software

Software Minimum Version
Python 2.7.13
GNU Bash 4.2
GNU Make 4.1
Git 2.6.4
Perforce Helix Command-Line Client (p4) 2017.1

Optional Software

These are needed to build the git-p4 manpage.

Software Minimum Version
AsciiDoc 8.6.9
DocBook 4.5
xmlto 0.0.2

To install the Perforce Helix Command-Line Client (p4) on Debian or Ubuntu systems, you'll need to add their Debian package repository to your list of Debian package sources:

deb http://package.perforce.com/apt/ubuntu xenial release

The following commands will add Perforce repository and update the list of available packages:

wget -qO - https://package.perforce.com/perforce.pubkey | sudo apt-key add -
sudo bash -c 'echo "deb http://package.perforce.com/apt/ubuntu xenial release" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/perforce.list'
sudo apt-get update

After you've done that, the following will install all of the requried prerequisites on Debian or Ubuntu systems:

sudo apt-get install python bash make git helix-cli asciidoc docbook xmlto

Building and Installing

You can just run make to build and install this software:

sudo make install

By default, this will install into /usr/local. You can control the install root with the INSTALL_ROOT variable:

make install INSTALL_ROOT=/my/install/root