
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project was built with the concept of creating a simple API that would navigate users to a page with nutruaitonal fruit facts upon selection they made from our drop-down box.

screen shot 2018-07-07 at 1 41 16 pm

How It's Made:

Programming this simple API included the following:

  • Select class to create a dropbox menu containing fruit options
  • A button type for the "Submit" button
  • img to display image of fruit selected by user
  • used function search & methods as open(), request() and onload()
  • Incorporated conditionals
  • Used localhost:8000

Tech used: HTML5, CSS3, Front End Vanilla JS, back end JS (Node),

Lessons Learned:

With more practice I find it easier to create simple API's without scripting it in the HTML file. As well it's crucial to know when spacing is going to affect your code.