
Odds and ends that don't belong anywhere else, "heritage" microprojects for posterity.

Primary LanguagePHP


Odds and ends that don't belong anywhere else, "heritage" microprojects for posterity.

Most of these are things I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole again, but this is a nice enough place to share and back them up.


Perl CGI script for uploading and invoking a2ps + PDF conversion. At my first job we did code reviews on paper around a table, and this was put together to facilitate printing C++ and Java code in our standard format.

So thankful for pull requests and their ilk in the modern day.


I once made a bunch of fake money in Second Life selling glasses. They did some shit like turn into sunglasses, change color, all that jazz. This is the source code.

Also included is the PHP-based web frontend I used for sales tracking. None of it really works but it's basically the only PHP I ever wrote.