
Used object-oriented programming methods to simulate an epidemic

Primary LanguageJava

Epidemic Simulator
Author: Allison Ryan
Version: 12/4/2020 version with a new simulation framework

Shell command to build the simulator: javac @EpidemicSource
Shell command to build Javadoc web site: javadoc @EpidemicSource

Shell command to test the simulator: java Epidemic testepi

This test runs the simulator for one simulated month, using a community of
1000 people, 10 of which are initially infected with a COVID-like disease.
By the end of the month, on the order of 10 people will die and from 500 to 900
people will remain uninfected.  The rate of disease spread through the
community depends on a randomly constructed social network of family and
job relationships, with a 50% employment rate where both homes and workplaces
have random variations in their transmissivity.  No two runs are likely to
produce the same results.

The community is described in the file testepi, but currently, the disease
characteristics are described by constants hard-coded into the simulator.
This could be improved in other versions.

The logic of workplaces in the model could be replicated to support schools
with students and stores with customers.

The effect of mitigation strategies such as closing workplaces with more than
some number of employees when the number of beridden people exceeds some
threshold could be modeled by making people stay home from such places when
these criteria are met.