Challenge IV - React TypeScript refactoring

This repo is one of a series of challenges from a bootcamp called Ignite, given by

In order to get things running, do the following:

  • Clone this repo
  • Run yarn
  • Run yarn server Now your fake API is running.

In another terminal window:

  • Run yarn start
  • Access http://localhost:3000


The following files below should be migrated from Javascript (React Class Components) to TypeScript (React Functional Components):

  • src/components/Food/index.jsx;
  • src/components/Food/styles.js;
  • src/components/Header/index.jsx;
  • src/components/Header/styles.js;
  • src/components/Input/index.jsx;
  • src/components/Input/styles.js;
  • src/components/Modal/index.jsx;
  • src/components/ModalAddFood/index.jsx;
  • src/components/ModalAddFood/styles.js;
  • src/components/ModalEditFood/index.jsx;
  • src/components/ModalEditFood/styles.js;
  • src/pages/Dashboard/index.jsx;
  • src/pages/Dashboard/styles.js;
  • src/routes/index.jsx;
  • src/services/api.js;
  • src/styles/global.js;
  • src/App.js;
  • src/index.js.

How it works

How it works