
Wireframing for 3750

Primary LanguageHTML


Pages to do

Login Pages --> Alliyya

Login Page ~~ Reset Password Page~~ ~~ Admin Homepage ~~

CLC Group Management --> Alliyya

  • CLC Group Management
  • List of Groups
    • Edit list of Groups
  • View of Single CLC Participant Group
  • Creating CLC Participant Group
  • View all Participants
  • Create CLC Participants Account

CLC Staff Management --> Alliyya

  • Staff Management
  • Create CLC Staff Account
  • View List of Staff Members

Pages Not Found --> Daniella

  • 501 Not implemented Page
  • 404 Page

Medication --> Tyler

  • Single Medication Page
  • Participant's Medication Schedule

Profile --> Darko

  • Profile
  • Edit Profile